CFO Survey, Dyrektor finansowy


Raport: CFO Survey 2019 H1

CFO wiarygodnie przewidują rzeczywistość polskiej gospodarki

Lipiec 2019 r.

Mimo osłabienia budzących obawy czynników ekonomicznych i gospodarczych, obserwowanych od początku tego roku, przedsiębiorcy zachowują czujność; widoczny jest spadek poziomu ufności.

Utrzymują się nastroje negatywne

  • Poziom optymizmu nie zmienił się od czasu poprzedniego badania. Jednak liczba dyrektorów finansowych, których optymizm dotyczący perspektyw finansowych spółki zmalał, nadal przewyższa liczbę tych, których optymizm zwiększył się.
  • Poziom optymizmu obniżył się w krajach strefy euro, zaś średni optymizm poza tą strefą zwyżkował.
  • Dwie trzecie dyrektorów finansowych uznało ogólny poziom zewnętrznej niepewności za wysoki lub bardzo wysoki. 80% nie uważa, by był to dobry moment na podejmowanie dodatkowego ryzyka.

Oczekiwania zmalały, przeważają obawy, dotyczące warunków gospodarczych

  • W większości krajów oczekiwania dotyczące przychodów, marży operacyjnej, inwestycji i zatrudnienia są pozytywne, ale spadły w okresie ostatnich sześciu miesięcy. Plany inwestycyjne i rekrutacyjne osiągnęły poziom najniższy w historii badania.
  • Za podstawowe rodzaje ryzyka jedna trzecia krajów uznała wzrost i ogólne prognozy gospodarcze. Czynnik ten zastąpił braki wykwalifikowanej kadry, jako czynnik ryzyka najczęściej wskazywany jako kluczowy.
  • W porównaniu z rokiem ubiegłym wzrosła liczba dyrektorów finansowych, spodziewających się nowego kryzysu w strefie euro. Zdaniem 46% dyrektorów finansowych w strefie euro wybuch nowego kryzysu jest bardzo prawdopodobny. Rok temu przekonanie takie żywiło 27% badanych.

Większość respondentów nie spodziewa się niedalekiej recesji

  • Większość dyrektorów finansowych z Europy nie widzi groźby natychmiastowej recesji ani we własnych krajach, ani w strefie euro lub w USA.
  • Firmy europejskie mają świadomość, że muszą się na nią przygotować i wybierają strategie ofensywne, dążąc do zwiększenia lub lepszego zdefiniowania swojej bazy klientów oraz wykorzystania zaawansowanych technologii do podniesienia wydajności.

Zobacz także:

Newsletter: Deloitte CFO Insight - to źródło praktycznej wiedzy, inspirujących spotrzeżeń oraz wywiadów z ekspertami i praktykami z całego świata.


Deloitte Economic Statement  - Zapoznaj się z najnowszą analizą i prognozami ekonomicznymi Deloitte.

Temat zarządzania licencjami oprogramowania jako usługa (Software Asset Management as a Service) nie jest jeszcze powszechnie znany w środowisku polskich dyrektorów finansowych. Jednym z powodów może być nie informowanie CFO o audytach producentów oprogramowania realizowanych w ich firmach. Aż 83% naszych respondentów deklaruje, że audyty legalności oprogramowania z inicjatywy producentów nie były w ich firmach realizowane lub nie mają takiej wiedzy. Jednocześnie dla 42% jest to temat, który w bliskiej perspektywie może stać się istotny, co potwierdza, że znajomość tematów technologicznych jest istotna dla CFO

Mariusz Ustyjanczuk – Partner w dziale Risk Advisory, Deloitte.

Spring 2019

Q1 Intro text

Welcome to the first Deloitte European CFO Survey. This site provides access to the opinions of CFOs across Europe, enabling you to compare their responses, see rankings as well as our interpretation of some of the key trends that have affected these results. In addition to the quarterly analysis of trends we ask CFO about a specific issue. For this quarter we asked CFOs to identify policies that in their opinion would be effective in resolving the EU/euro area growth crisis.

In Q1 2015 we had over 1,300 CFOs participating from 14 countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom

Q3 Intro text

Welcome to the second Deloitte European CFO Survey. This site provides access to the opinions of CFOs across Europe, enabling you to compare their responses, see rankings as well as our interpretation of some of the key trends that have affected these results. In addition to the quarterly analysis of trends we ask CFO about a specific issue. For this quarter we asked CFOs for their opinions on recent events in Greece, and how the prospects for achieving a stable and closely integrated European monetary union could be affected in the longer term.

In Q3 2015 we had close to 1,300 CFOs participating from 15 countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom

Q1 -2016 Intro text

Welcome to the third Deloitte European CFO Survey. This site provides access to the opinions of CFOs across Europe, enabling you to compare their responses, see rankings as well as our interpretation of some of the key trends that have affected these results. In addition to the quarterly analysis of trends we ask CFO about a specific issue. For this quarter we asked CFOs what impact, if any, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would have on their company.

In Q1 2016 we had close to 1,500 CFOs participating from 17 countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom

Q3 -2016 Intro text

Welcome to the fourth Deloitte European CFO Survey. This site provides access to the opinions of CFOs across Europe, enabling you to compare their responses, see rankings as well as our interpretation of some of the key trends that have affected these results. In addition to the quarterly analysis of trends we ask CFO about a specific issue. For this quarter we asked CFOs two questions regarding Brexit: first, how will the negotiations impact your business and second, how would your business be affected by the UK leaving the EU.

In Q3 2016 we had close to 1150 CFOs participating from 17 countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom

Q1 -2017 Intro text

Welcome to the fifth Deloitte European CFO Survey. This site provides access to the opinions of CFOs across Europe, enabling you to compare their responses, see rankings as well as our interpretation of some of the key trends that have affected these results. In addition to the quarterly analysis of trends, we ask CFOs about a specific topic: for this quarter, we asked two questions regarding the future of the European Union, specifically the likelihood they attribute to further member states voting to leave the union in the next five years and what the EU needs to do in order to guarantee the bloc's success.

In Q1 2017 we had close to 1600 CFOs participating from 19 countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

Q3 -2017 Intro text

Welcome to the sixth Deloitte European CFO Survey.

The European CFO survey is an ideal barometer of the corporate sector that shows how senior management views risk, business sentiment, the outlook for their company and their strategic priorities. This site allows you to compare results collected every 6 months and across a diverse set of European counties, in addition to giving you access to local analysis and contacts.

Each quarter we ask CFOs, on top of a series of standard questions, to focus on a specific topic. For Q3 2017 the focus is on interest rates, asking them about their expectations and any possible implications for their business. Previous editions have discussed the future of the EU, Brexit, TTIP and the Greek debt crisis.

This quarter we had close to 1,550 CFOs participating from 19 countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

Q1 -2018 Intro text

Welcome to the seventh Deloitte European CFO Survey.

For this edition, we not only asked a special question on the likelihood and impact of risks to the global economy, but we also created a special edition chapter – “The digital frontline” – where CFOs shared their perspectives on digital disruption and some food for thought on the implications for business.

The findings discussed in this report are representative of the opinions of almost 1,652 CFOs based in 20 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. CFOs were all contacted between February and April 2018. The special edition chapter–The digital frontline–represents the consolidated views of up to 1,162 CFOs based in up to 15 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

Q3 -2018 Intro text

Welcome to the eighth edition of the Deloitte European CFO Survey.

Now in its fourth year, we gathered the views of 1,373 CFOs based in 20 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. The special questions in this edition of the Survey investigate the type of skills shortages that exist and the strategies currently used to address the issue.

This site allows you to compare results collected every 6 months and across a diverse set of European counties, in addition to giving you access to local analysis and contacts. Use the interactive tools below to compare and contrast both country and quarterly data.

Q1 -2019 Intro text

Welcome to the ninth edition of the Deloitte European CFO Survey.

Now in its fifth year, we gathered the views of over 1,400 CFOs based in 20 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

This site allows you to compare results collected every 6 months and across a diverse set of European counties, in addition to giving you access to local analysis and contacts. Use the interactive tools below to compare and contrast both country and quarterly data.

Please select a country on the map below to view the associated ranking.

Please select a country from the list below to view the associated ranking.

  • Above GDP weighted average net balance
  • Below GDP weighted average net balance
  • Above GDP weighted average probability
  • Below GDP weighted average probability

Autumn 2018

Change from Spring 2018

  • 5%
  • 5%
  • 5%
  • 5%
  • 5%
  • 5%
  • 5%


Aggregate results across participating countries

commentary image
SQ2 image
SQ2 2018 image
Q3 2018 image
Q3 2018 image

Note for interacting with the data: Please hover over the responses to see additional sorting options. Click on the sort icon on each response to sort the data in ascending order, descending order or alphabetical order. Please refresh the page if you want to reset the sorting to the default view.

Note for interacting with the data: Please hover over the responses to see additional sorting options. Click on the sort icon on each response to sort the data in ascending order, descending order or alphabetical order. Please refresh the page if you want to reset the sorting to the default view.

Note for interacting with the data: Please hover over the responses to see additional sorting options. Click on the sort icon on each response to sort the data in ascending order, descending order or alphabetical order. Please refresh the page if you want to reset the sorting to the default view.

Note for interacting with the data: Please hover over the responses to see additional sorting options. Click on the sort icon on each response to sort the data in ascending order, descending order or alphabetical order. Please refresh the page if you want to reset the sorting to the default view.

Note for interacting with the data: Please hover over the responses to see additional sorting options. Click on the sort icon on each response to sort the data in ascending order, descending order or alphabetical order. Please refresh the page if you want to reset the sorting to the default view.

Note for interacting with the data: Please hover over the responses to see additional sorting options. Click on the sort icon on each response to sort the data in ascending order, descending order or alphabetical order. Please refresh the page if you want to reset the sorting to the default view.

Note for interacting with the data: Please hover over the responses to see additional sorting options. Click on the sort icon on each response to sort the data in ascending order, descending order or alphabetical order. Please refresh the page if you want to reset the sorting to the default view.

Q5 Tableau to come

Note for interacting with the data: Please hover over the responses to see additional sorting options. Click on the sort icon on each response to sort the data in ascending order, descending order or alphabetical order. Please refresh the page if you want to reset the sorting to the default view.

Q6 Tableau to come

Note for interacting with the data: Please hover over the responses to see additional sorting options. Click on the sort icon on each response to sort the data in ascending order, descending order or alphabetical order. Please refresh the page if you want to reset the sorting to the default view.

Note for interacting with the data: Please hover over the responses to see additional sorting options. Click on the sort icon on each response to sort the data in ascending order, descending order or alphabetical order. Please refresh the page if you want to reset the sorting to the default view.

Note for interacting with the data: Please hover over the responses to see additional sorting options. Click on the sort icon on each response to sort the data in ascending order, descending order or alphabetical order. Please refresh the page if you want to reset the sorting to the default view.

Note for interacting with the data: Please hover over the responses to see additional sorting options. Click on the sort icon on each response to sort the data in ascending order, descending order or alphabetical order. Please refresh the page if you want to reset the sorting to the default view.

Please contact your local CFO team or the European CFO team to find out more.

Q1 Plotting description

The plotting tool allows you to compare data across countries, clusters and sub-regions. To use it, select the countries you would like to aggregate under Group A and Group B and then press Generate graph. The data will then appear in the graphic below and you will be able to choose whether you are interested in the GDP weighted average net balance or the simple average net balance. When changing your selections, please ensure you click Generate graph again in order to reload the data.


Note: The GDP weighted average net balances will provide you with the most accurate comparisons as they take into account what the proportion of a country’s GDP is compared to the total GDP of the 17 countries.

Q3 Plotting description

The plotting tool allows you to compare data across countries, clusters and sub-regions. To use it, select the countries you would like to aggregate under Group A and Group B and then press Generate graph. The data will then appear in the graphic below and you will be able to choose whether you are interested in the GDP weighted average net balance or the simple average net balance. When changing your selections, please ensure you click Generate graph again in order to reload the data.


Note: The GDP weighted average net balances will provide you with the most accurate comparisons as they take into account what the proportion of a country’s GDP is compared to the total GDP of the 20 countries.

Group A

Group B

CFO Survey

Generate graph

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