People story | October 2024 | Read time: 2min
A journey from forensics to corporate mental health leadership
You know, it's kind of interesting how I ended up here at Deloitte. I started my career working in the field of forensic psychology and at a time when it was in its infancy, but it was a field I was passionate about. I thought my end goal would be working for a federal agency as the next professional part of a premier behavior analysis unit. In this way, I could combine skills in the behavioral sciences to elevate knowledge of offender behavior and pattern to enhance investigative capabilities, and ultimately, prevent victimization.
I gained traction within the field, applying tactical skill and pursuing research in such areas as the use of behavioral crime scene analysis approach/techniques to answer questions at the intersection of psychology and law. I was involved in some of the most notorious cases on a national TV program and having a blast. But, through a series of interesting twists and turns, I started consulting with organizations—taking a growing advisory skill set to improve an organizations capability and competency in managing complex psychological issues encountered in the workplace.
Interestingly, I interfaced with Deloitte at the time and developed fantastic relationships with a variety of stakeholders across the businesses. As the relationship grew, Deloitte recognized an opportunity to re-think psychological services and solutions, and decided to explore how an internal psychologist may be able to bring value to the table. I was honored to receive an offer to join Deloitte. Interestingly, this happened at the exact same time I was working to join an agency and work in the field I had always dreamed of. I was dealing with quite the conundrum.
But here is the thing—I felt that the offer to join Deloitte was full of rich possibility I hadn’t recognized until it came my way, and there was chance to build something innovative from the ground up, while at the same time serving others. And, as strange as it seems, the deep and broad clinical and consulting skills gained while developing as a forensic psychologist were easily transferable and actually fit neatly to accomplish something I think is pretty awesome here at Deloitte.
Fast forward 12 years later and I now serve as Deloitte’s first Chief Mental Health Officer, leading an incredible team of exceptional clinical psychologists, clinicians, and performance psychology pro’s that deploy an elevated, custom-built suite of services and solutions unusual in the corporate psych space. We pride ourselves on our multi-disciplinary teaming, and our ability bring the science to action in an effort to support our people, the function of our teams, and operations of our businesses—within Integrated Mental Health Services. I am confident I am helping others and driving impact.
What could be better?
Sports as my safe place
Growing up, my life was a whirlwind of chaos, instability and significant adversity that most kids my age didn’t have to face—from the beginning. We’re talking a daytime talk show level, def-con 1 type of situation.
My ability to navigate through that and come out the other side from a position of strength I think was born out of my involvement in athletics and sports. Lessons learned on and off the field helped shape the skills needed to move through it all, stay the course, and pull up and out of the fire so to speak…unscathed.
These years of involvement (in every sport you can imagine) built a strong sense of self, confidence, capability under tough conditions, persistence, focus, determination, discipline, resilience, a sort of “get ‘er done” attitude. Without it, I knew things might do downhill. The structure and predictability of the training and the game also was a bit of a shelter of normalcy, but also a source of good, effective relationships with supportive coaches, teammates and their families, and mentors. My ultimate success on the field, court, or track served as metaphorical armor really—a protection from the definition of early circumstances for which I wasn’t responsible and refused to accept. None of that was ME.
All these years later, I do think the transformative power of sports really was a force to propel me forward and work myself out of that tough, early upbringing. I continue to be inspired by those early experiences, and I am humbled to be in a position where I have the honor to help others find their way, pursue their potential, thrive, and flourish here at Deloitte.
Today, as Chief Mental Health Officer, I think back to my early experiences and drive to succeed often. The same determination and team spirit that propelled me forward in sports now fuels my passion for helping others unlock their potential. My journey from the field to the realm of psychology has been a testament to the transformative power of sports—a power that continues to inspire and guide me in my work.