
Breakthrough Bridges: Leveraging Improv for Business Leaders with Debra Schifrin

Bridging improv and leadership in business to reach breakthrough

In this episode, we hear from Debra Schifrin, a Stanford Graduate School of Business Lecturer who teaches a course that leverages improv techniques for business. She explains how the methods and mindset of improv can encourage creativity, collaboration, active listening, thoughtful questioning and genuine curiosity.

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Business, improv and the resilience it takes to be successful at both

In this episode, Debra shares the lessons she’s learned from improv, and how the heightened creativity and tools used when doing improv can translate into skills to use in the workplace and beyond. She explores the resilience needed, in both improv and business, to Silence your Cynic and keep moving forward to be successful.

Leaders often say they want diversity of ideas, diversity of opinions. We want to be innovative and creative. They don't realize the things they are doing are creating the opposite effect.


Kim Christfort: Skepticism can be healthy, but cynicism can be toxic, whether directed at others or yourself.

Debra Schifrin: Leaders often say they want diversity of ideas, diversity of opinions. We want to be innovative and creative. They don't realize the things they are doing are creating the opposite effect.

Kim Christfort: That's Stanford Graduate School of Business Lecturer, Deborah Schifrin. And I'm Kim Christfort, Chief Innovation Leader within Executive Accelerators at Deloitte and your host of Breakthrough by Design. On this episode, we'll be digging into one of our foundational Breakthrough Manifesto principles - Silence Your Cynic. Silencing Your Cynic is all about making room for new ideas to take shape, suspending disbelief, at least temporarily, and assuming anything's possible. One fantastic way to silence your cynic is to use improv and no, we don't mean standing up on a stage and performing, but rather using the methods and mindset of improv to help great ideas come to life.

About Breakthrough by Design

To listen to more episodes in the series, visit the Breakthrough by Design library page.

How can you get to Breakthrough? Find out on Breakthrough by Design, the podcast where we chat with a diverse array of guests: from scientists to CEOs, academics to athletes, exploring what it takes to get to breakthrough. After years of research and working with executives in the field, we have found that there are specific principles and techniques that, when applied with intention and regularity, can enhance your chances of achieving real breakthrough. In each episode we invite a unique expert to help us dig deep into different aspects of these principles, sharing intriguing insights, tactical tips, and surprising stories around how to devise, develop, and drive transformative innovation.

We’ve codified these 10 principles into a recently released book, The Breakthrough Manifesto: 10 Principles to Spark Transformative Innovation, co-authored by our host, Kim Christfort and Dr. Suzanne Vickberg. To learn more, visit www.breakthroughmanifesto.com.

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