

What’s next for community philanthropy

Monitor Institute by Deloitte

A field wide initiative to provide organizations with helpful tools to meet their communities’ evolving needs.

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About the Initiative

The What’s Next for Community Philanthropy initiative was launched by the Monitor Institute in January 2013 to engage community foundations and other community philanthropy organizations in a large-scale innovation and design process to help them open up to new models and new possibilities that will help them better serve their communities in the years ahead.

Over the course of the initiative, the Monitor Institute team interviewed nearly 200 different community philanthropy organizations across six continents; explored more than 50 analogous spaces and parallel industries related to community change; conferred with more than a dozen leading futurists to understand how the context for community philanthropy is changing; spoke with a host of donors and other potential community philanthropy “users,” (both those who already work with community foundations and those who don’t); and held scores of interactive workshops and feedback sessions with more than 2,000 community philanthropy practitioners to engage and test ideas and tools with the field.

Learn more about the sponsors and contributors of this project.

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