workwell podcast


Good tech

A WorkWell podcast about technology and well-being

Learn how technology can enhance wellness on this WorkWell podcast episode.

Is technology a friend or foe to your well-being?

Technology can make life more convenient, connected, and efficient. But with all that it gives us, could it also be taking something away? How can we use technology to enhance our well-being and not diminish it? On this episode, Deloitte chief well-being officer Jen Fisher and colleague Carolyn O’Boyle, national managing director of Talent Strategy and Innovation discuss strategies to maintain a healthy relationship with your technology with Amy Blankson, a leading specialist on mindful living in the digital era.

I do think we face an extraordinary challenge in our current society with sticking to boundaries because the technology is so highly attuned to be distracting, on purpose.

– Amy Blankson

Check out the Deloitte Insights report Positive Technology for more on digital well-being.

About WorkWell

On the WorkWell podcast series, we talk about all things well-being. Stay up-to-date with the latest health and wellness trends and discover tips and tricks along the way with host Jen Fisher, Deloitte chief well-being officer. Subscribe today and learn ways to enrich your own well-being, improve work-life balance, and create a culture of wellness at work. Each podcast is designed to help you better understand–and more importantly–embed well-being into your life and work!

Visit the WorkWell library for the full collection of episodes and learn more about well-being at Deloitte.

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