
Deloitte and Siemens Alliance

Connected products and collaborative transformation

Discover how Siemens Teamcenter PLM, Opcenter MES, Insights Hub (formerly MindSphere IoT) and Mendix and Polarion software can help you define your transformation strategy and build a business case to unlock its value. With Deloitte’s experience, you won’t just survive the digital age, you’ll thrive.


The future of product development is model-based

In a Deloitte study, we found that companies that switch to Digital Twins and move to become model-based enterprises see significant savings between 70% and 80%, helping organizations create a seamless flow of information, increase their cost savings, and achieve faster product cycle times.

Read our article to learn how the capabilities of Digital Twins and a model-based enterprise can help your organization achieve better and faster results in a product’s life cycle.

Watch the video: Model-Based Enterprise: Now, Near, Far

Transforming to thrive: The path to becoming a model-based enterprise

Manufacturers are facing market pressure to dramatically reduce program development time and labor. What they need is a deeper understanding of what’s required to become a true model-based enterprise (MBE) and the tools that can help them accelerate transformation.

Read through the Deloite and Siemens alliance digital thread outlook to learn more.

You’re already changing the way you develop your products – but how are you digitally transforming your workforce?

With the pandemic altering consumer expectations, it is now more important than ever for companies to learn how to pivot – abandoning traditional production models and timelines – and adopt digital product development methodologies. Businesses should consider a transformation that includes digital product development processes and tools so that they are positioned for success.

Read the WIRED article here

Our solutions:

We are here to help you define—and deliver on—the vast opportunities of Siemens technologies for your business.

Our Perspectives 

  • The future of product development is Model-Based
    One of the big question clients are coming to us with is, “What will product development look like in ten years?” In this thought-provoking session from Realize LIVE 2021, you’ll hear from Brian Meeker, Product Strategy & Lifecycle Management practice leader at Deloitte Consulting LLP, and Del Costy, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, Americas, for Siemens Digital Industries Software, as they discuss the monumental shift towards Model-Based Enterprises (MBE) that they see on the horizon.
  • How can automotive suppliers thrive in a transforming market?
    Uncertainty has been the rule rather than the exception for auto industry suppliers. But with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic still playing out, the question of uncertainty has never been more significant. Now more than ever, how are automotive suppliers preparing to help their organizations navigate the massive transformation already underway—one that’s likely to last for decades to come?
  • From chaos to insights: Digital transformation trends for CPG
    Despite increased investment in digital technology, many consumer packaged goods companies still operate with disorganized and disconnected product data. Learn how organizations that make the leap to transform their data strategy can improve margins and increase collaboration across the CPG supply chain.
  • Manufacturing execution systems: The path to smart
    As more manufacturers buy in to the promise of smart factories, how can they effectively set the stage for smart capabilities and transformed operations? Our manufacturing execution system (MES) series explores opportunities, strategies, and best practices for organizations considering or launching smart factory initiatives.
  • A new digital world altered by COVID-19: Gaining executive support that PLM, ALM and MES can transform R&D and manufacturing
    In this session from Siemens REALIZE LIVE 2020, watch Brian Meeker, principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP, discuss PLM, ALM, and MES transformation projects and gaining executive approval in a post pandemic world.
  • Accelerate time to value with Deloitte’s preconfigured MES Solution (DMES) and achieve end-to-end digital thread
    In this session from Siemens REALIZE LIVE 2020, watch Vijay Santhanam, managing director, Deloitte Consulting LLP, discuss how your organization can benefit from Deloitte’s preconfigured MES solution and this can accelerate time to value for your organization.

About our alliance

In today’s highly competitive and connected production world, going digital takes more than spot technology implementation. The Siemens and Deloitte alliance puts your success at the center of everything we do to deliver end-to-end enterprise transformations that help you move quickly from roadmap to value realization.

Combining our powerful industry and digital transformation experience with our preconfigured solutions for Siemens Teamcenter PLM, Insights Hub (formerly MindSphere IoT), and Opcenter MES software, we can help you connect data and drive innovation across every stage of the product lifecycle. From R&D strategy and lean development capabilities to predictive analytics and talent model transformation, Deloitte can help you improve efficiencies, capture cost savings, lower risks, and scale your business for a sustainable digital future.

Use Deloitte's extensive industry and digital transformation expertise to achieve success with the Siemens Xcelerator digital business platform. 

Siemens + Deloitte partnership | Siemens Software

Get in touch

Experience the long-term amplification effect that a tailored mix of technology, strategy, and delivery can help bring to your business. No matter how you define business value, our practitioners are well versed on every link of the supply chain, with a deep understanding of the business issues unique to the industries we serve.

Brian Meeker
Siemens alliance leader
Deloitte Consulting LLP

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