Becoming Resilient


Making connections to cultivate greater resilience

Resilient leaders, organizations, and societies

Bill Marquard, managing director, Monitor Deloitte, shares new insights about how resilient leaders connect disparate dots—marrying art, science, and systems thinking to cultivate greater resilience for themselves, their organizations, and their teams.

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Today’s world requires new thinking about resilience

Are leaders who are able to capture emerging opportunities more resilient than others? Indeed, they can be. But how can one build this skill? It comes down to making connections between somewhat disparate disciplines. It’s in the convergence of these disciplines where connections can spark new ideas. Leaders who can tap into this thinking can build greater resilience for themselves, their teams, and their organizations.

The use of metaphors, this idea of looking outside of the core purview of business, is a way that we, as leaders can make the unknown known. In situations we face, (where) we haven't necessarily been there before…if there's an analog, if there's something that we can refer to, that has common characteristics, we can often learn very effectively from that. It enables us and our minds to basically frame a situation that's too large in a way that's actually manageable and that we can lead and manage through it.

Don’t miss Becoming Resilient, a new miniseries on the Deloitte Resilient podcast.

Resilience is a topic that has so many different dimensions. Stay tuned for future episodes with Bill Marquard and other leaders on Becoming Resilient.


Mike Kearney: Welcome to Resilient. My name is Mike Kearney, the Risk & Financial Advisory CMO.

A little over 5 years ago I started this podcast with a single mission: to talk with leaders about how they encountered and emerged even stronger from risk, disruption and crisis. Looking back, I couldn’t have imagined where we would end up. I’m humbled and grateful for the time all of our guests have given. If you’re listening for the first time, check out past episodes. There is gold in hearing from other leaders about their experiences, insights, and advice.

Today is no different. I’m joined by a strategist who is exploring a topic we often talk about—resilience. But what’s different, you might ask?

In this episode of Resilient, Bill Marquard, managing director, Deloitte Monitor, talks about new insights into how resilient leaders connect disparate dots—marrying art, science, and systems thinking to cultivate greater resilience for their organizations and teams.

Bill Marquard: This use of metaphors, this idea of looking outside of the core purview of business, is a way that we, as leaders can make the unknown known. In every situation that we face, we haven't necessarily been there before, but if there's an analog, if there's something that we can refer to, that has common characteristics, we can often learn very effectively from that. It enables us and our minds to basically frame a situation that's too large in a way that's actually manageable and that we can lead and manage through it.

Mike Kearney: I hope you enjoyed this preview. Listen to the full episode on your favorite podcast app. You can also tune into the full episode on Apple podcasts, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Amazon music, Spotify, or wherever you go to get your podcasts.

If you're curious about how leaders are connecting for resilience and innovating to meet today’s challenges, I encourage you to visit our global Resilience Hub on

Until next time, stay safe and remain resilient.

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How can you lead through crisis and disruption? Find out on Resilient, the podcast of authentic and engaging conversations with leaders who never leave adversity where they found it. Launched in 2016, the series broke new ground by featuring interviews with those who embody resilience and went on to win the Gold-level AVA Digital Award and Gold-level MarCom Award.

Resilient leaders don’t take obstacles as the final answer. Hear their personal stories of resilience by not letting adversity define them For more in the series, visit the Resilient podcast library page.

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