

Shellye Archambeau: Resilient podcast

Coming back stronger

How can leaders rebound from serious setbacks? Shellye Archambeau, former chief executive officer (CEO) at MetricStream and board member at Verizon and Nordstrom, discusses grit, risk-taking in leadership, and the power of networks.

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Becoming a CEO

Shellye walks us through her leadership trajectory: Where she got her start, when she pivoted, and why forging relationships has been critical every step of the way.

I created my own network because it was the first time I didn’t have any peers, and I didn’t realize what it was actually like not to have any peers.

Shellye also talks about overcoming personal and professional adversity and her approach to “improving the odds for success.”

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A CEO’s view of risk

From turning down a salary as CEO of MetricStream to growing the company’s revenues by more than 50 percent, Shellye is no stranger to seizing opportunities and persevering against the odds.

Risks are not just negative, risk and opportunity are two sides of the same coin…. Take advantage of risks out there and leverage it.

Shellye shares sage advice for risk and compliance professionals who must earn and keep their seat at the executive table. And she provides counsel on how to help the board understand both risk and opportunity to make better business decisions.

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Being an effective board member

As a director on the boards of MetricStream, Verizon, Nordstrom, and Roper Technologies, Shellye reflects on the transition from an executive to a director and why directors must serve as an advocate for shareholders.

Your job is to make sure the company has the right strategy, delivers expected returns to shareholders, and has the right people in place to deliver the strategy.

Shellye also talks about her experience as a director facing reputational risks and the importance of understanding an organization’s culture.

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Leadership, goals, and work-life optimization

In this segment, Shellye dives into the values and practices that she has maintained across her senior leadership roles. She attributes her success to the ability to make her own luck, create purpose-driven vision, and risk-taking in leadership.

If you don't tell people what you're aspiring and trying to do, they can't help you…. The universe can't help you if you don't tell the universe what you want.

How does she plan and measure her career aspirations? And does she “have it all?” Hear her refreshing, but practical, view on work-life integration.

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Resilient is an award-winning podcast series that features authentic, engaging, and thought-provoking conversations with leaders. Hear interviews and personal stories about how CEOs, senior executives, government officials, board members, and people outside of the business world embrace complexity to lead, navigate, and disrupt to accelerate performance. And discover what they learned about resilience amid risk, crisis, and disruption.

For more in the series, visit the Resilient podcast library page.

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