
Insight for the road ahead

Navigate key organizational milestones and challenges with our free, easy-to-use self-assessment tools.

Our family of SelfAssess tools is designed to advise you on ways to navigate challenges and opportunities in readiness, transformation, and strategic planning. Each assessment takes less than 30 minutes to complete and delivers a customized report to guide you on next steps. Browse the tools below; then, complete the assessments that most align with your current goals and future aspirations.



IPO SelfAssess™

The IPO process can be chaotic and erratic. Our IPO SelfAssess tool can advise you by providing your company with an efficient roadmap with leading practices, useful insights and potential areas for readiness improvement across eight areas of critical importance, including capital markets strategy, financial reporting, governance and more.


ESG SelfAssess™

By taking a closer look at your company’s ESG readiness using our ESG SelfAssess tool, you can better traverse the complexity of a quickly evolving regulatory environment and identify ways to open the door for a more defined reporting process. The tool focuses on eight important areas that include governance, strategy, reporting and disclosure.


Finance Function SelfAssess™

If you’re interested in exploring enhancements to your finance function, our Finance Function SelfAssess tool can assist you in evaluating your finance maturity levels and competencies across ten key areas of focus, including strategy, controllership, technology, functional competency, reporting, and operational models, to name a few.


Divestiture Readiness SelfAssess™

Preparing to enter a sale - whether you are selling the entire company or just a piece - the process can be daunting. Our Divestiture Readiness SelfAssess tool can assist you to determine your company’s transaction readiness across finance, tax, carve-out transaction, working capital optimization and value creation. Sufficient foresight and preparation can favorably influence the sales process.

Be prepared for what comes next

Early preparation in the face of emerging challenges and opportunities can be part of a successful journey, no matter what future you’re envisioning for your company. Each of our SelfAssess tools is designed to advise you on your readiness and quickly contemplate what may need to be done internally to meet your goals.

Ready to take the next step? A Deloitte professional can guide you through the results of your assessment, advise on the identification of gaps and opportunities, and advise you on ways you can move your company forward.

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