Keeping up with sustainability opportunities and expectations
Deloitte Omnia’s ESG capabilities
When it comes to expectations around sustainability—blink—and things can change. Keeping up can be a full-time job, as is gaining insight and uncovering new opportunities. In lieu of developing superpowers, consider Omnia’s ESG (environmental, social, and governance) capabilities, which are changing the ESG disclosure journey.
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A deeper dive into Omnia ESG
Omnia ESG combines the knowledge of climate data scientists, sustainability specialists, and audit professionals with award-winning Omnia technology. The result is an organized experience that helps cut through the confusion of varying standards and regulations, allowing companies to focus on what matters to stakeholders and to confidently report and mitigate risk.
Getting ahead
of change
Turn uncertainty
into clarity
Omnia’s ESG capabilities are a modular solution bringing increased agility as multiple standards, frameworks, and regulatory requirements evolve in real time.
Make sense of multiple
standards and frameworks
Omnia ESG cuts through the confusion of differing regulations, so auditors can evaluate disclosures quality using increasingly authoritative ESG standards faster and easier than before.
Scale opportunity
Because Omnia ESG is modular, it’s scalable, allowing for speed and efficiency, driving fresh insight and previously unseen opportunity, and addressing priorities set by business stakeholders.
How does Deloitte Omnia ESG work?
Deloitte Omnia ESG combines deep insights and technology to offer an efficient and innovative disclosure journey
Innovation is
in our DNA
Over the course of our 177-year history, Deloitte’s commitment to innovation has remained at the heart of how we strive to exceed our clients’ needs. It is through our combined audit and assurance experience and substantial investment in initiatives, people, and advanced technology that we successfully advise clients on their complex problems as they strive for real, sustainable results.
Deloitte Omnia’s ESG capabilities are also award-winning, with top honors in the Product category for innovation from Enterprise Asia’s 2022 International Innovation Awards, as well an award for the top Digital Innovation of the Year in 2022 by the International Accounting Bulletin at the International Accounting Forum and Awards.

Learn more about Omnia and ESG
Get in touch with
our Omnia ESG leadership team

Will Bible Deputy Leader of Audit Innovation and Transformation | US Audit & Assurance +1 973 602 6111

Kristen Sullivan
Global Audit & Assurance Sustainability
and Climate Services Leader
| Deloitte & Touche LLP
+1 203 708 4593
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