Life at Deloitte

Candid conversations: An inside look at Deloitte internships

Amanda Martin has a passion for coaching and helping others to achieve their full potential. She does this daily as the program lead on the Early ID/Strategy and Innovation team at Deloitte Services LP.

August 16, 2018

Amanda Martin has over a decade of experience in identifying top talent. From her days as a college soccer coach, Amanda has learned the importance of not only academic success, but also social and community involvement.  

Today a part of her core responsibilities includes working with young college professionals and managing Deloitte’s annual intern conferences at Deloitte University. We sat down with Amanda to discuss the ins and outs of Deloitte’s internship programs and the advice she has for the next generation of talent.  


“The interns coming into the workforce now have such a unique offering in that they are well equipped from a technology perspective, and they are globally-minded because of it. It’s amazing to see this.”

Why do you think internships are important?

Internships are important for many reasons, but the one that stands out to me is that they provide students the chance to be in the workplace, gaining real work experience for the job that they may be doing someday, getting exposure to the industry before they start their full-time career

Tell me about the internship program at Deloitte.

Deloitte has internship opportunities in nearly all of our business areas. However you look to make your impact on the world—through technology, business, finance, or social change—Deloitte has opportunities that can help you make it happen.

When do internships begin?

From a timing perspective, we have two main internships seasons: summer internships (June-August), and winter/spring internships (January-March/April).

What do you look for in an intern?

Someone once told me that it must be very easy to hire interns that all have great grades, but we also have seen that students who excel in the classroom, get involved in their communities, and participate in extracurricular activities tend to lead to a great intern

What advice would you give to interns?

Be a sponge. Deloitte offers an incredible hands-on internship where you will be doing actual work in client service. The people that you are working with will represent every level of the organization from a first-year professional to a partner that has more than 30 years of experience. Stay present and soak it all up. In the same manner, think about what it is you can offer.

When should students start looking for internships?

At Deloitte, we have opportunities starting at the college freshman level. It’s never too early to start looking for an internship.

What steps should students take to obtain an internship?

All our internship opportunities are posted on Deloitte’s job search site. I would start there, but it’s also very important to connect with your school’s career center. Find out if Deloitte visits your campus and show up to our events early and often.

What can interns expect to take away from a Deloitte internship?

We hope that our interns take away a valuable, well-rounded work experience that matches what our working professionals do every day.


Deloitte hires over 3,000 interns annually, and was recently named to WayUp’s Top 100 Internship Programs, an annual list recognizing the top internship programs in the United States.  

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