Life at Deloitte

Living with epilepsy in the professional world

How resilience and transparency helped Sam Cook thrive in the workplace

July 15, 2024

Getting to know Sam Cook

My name is Sam Cook, and I'm a senior consultant in the Government & Public Sector (GPS) practice at Deloitte Consulting LLP, an organization I left and then returned to, making me a 'boomerang'. I graduated from Centre College with my bachelor’s in international studies, taking advantage of the study abroad program by traveling to Italy, Nicaragua, Peru, and Egypt throughout the course of my studies. After many twists and turns in my passionate career pursuits (lawyer, pediatrician, occupational therapist, and special education teacher), consulting hit my radar when a trusted mentor gave me life-changing advice at the end of my final internship.

I've been living with seizures since I was 19 years old, which resulted in 15+ known concussions, nerve damage on my right side, occasional spasms + loss of motor control, muscle weakness, slurred speech, and more. Although my symptoms are chronic and impact me on a day-to-day basis, it's crucial to highlight that my disability is not always visible to those who don’t know my story. People may not be aware of my condition unless I choose to disclose it or they witness a moment where my symptoms are particularly severe (e.g., a seizure occurs, cognition is impacted, etc.). Over time, I've had to find the delicate balance between sharing my condition while managing perceptions and the value of my capabilities.

Advice for navigating the workforce with a disability

I believe that vulnerability, transparency, and open communication are keys to navigating the workplace, especially for individuals with disabilities. For me, remembering that we are human beings first and employees second is an important component of creating (and participating in) an inclusive team environment. Just like me, you may be fortunate enough to work at an organization that supports this. I am grateful for Deloitte's formal and informal mentoring, coaching opportunities, and advocacy platforms as they have allowed me to build strong relationships with people who support me. These relationships provide me comfort in sharing my needs openly, encouragement in taking on new challenges, and important reminders about prioritizing my own health along the way.

The understanding and flexibility I receive on my team has allowed me to make an impact with the work I produce and contribute to the team and organization in a meaningful way. For example, I am at my best when I consistently receive preventative treatments, in addition to my ongoing care. These appointments are often during the work day, so my team and I worked out a schedule for a lunch block where I can get the treatment I need and work throughout the week at times when my team prefers to be offline for personal commitments, etc. and they cover for me while I’m offline receiving treatment. By communicating my needs and working together, we found a solution that allows us all to achieve our goals, both personally and professionally.

Experiencing support at Deloitte

Deloitte is my favorite place I've worked. My teams have always prioritized my well-being, frequently asking, "How can we help you?" and, more importantly, putting the outcomes of those conversations into action. Their willingness to accommodate my needs has been incredibly refreshing. Furthermore, being part of an inclusive team gives me a sense of belonging and highlights the organization's commitment to its people. The message from Deloitte is clear to me—our people matter.

Another way Deloitte demonstrates a deep commitment to its workforce with disabilities is through the ongoing, increasing investment in the People with Disabilities & Allies Community (PwD&A). PwD&A spearheads various initiatives related to accessibility, inclusion, and more. I’ve had the honor of being heavily involved with PwD&A (formerly Abilities First) since 2019 and watching it grow to a national community of 2000+ professionals.

Life lessons from personal experiences

Throughout the course of my career, I’ve leaned on a variety of Deloitte services to help me when health challenges arise. From formal programs like short-term disability and the well-being subsidy to more informal things like adjusting my workload one week to accommodate treatments or taking a “camera off” day if I need a lower sensory input, the support and understanding I received from my team has meant the world to me. With my most recent health setback, my senior manager reminded me to prioritize my health—advice that I will forever appreciate. Knowing the support system available, including an accommodations process, if necessary, I learned that whether or not one has a disability, it is vital to embrace the humanity that comes with the ups and downs of life. I advocate for a human-first approach in the professional world, emphasizing the importance of well-being and understanding the transient nature of disabilities. Chronic disability is not a linear experience, and it requires creativity and resiliency to show up each day with the version of yourself available.

Parting thoughts

I am extremely grateful for the support I receive from my family, colleagues, and friends, who accept me as I am. I count myself exceptionally lucky to have numerous advocates, supporters, champions, and friends who are with me through the wins, the losses, and every moment in between. I hope my story can help others see the value of opportunity, transparency, and the power of an inclusive work environment. I know first-hand that with the right support and a resilient spirit, professionals with disabilities can overcome challenges and thrive in the workplace.

Discover your impact at Deloitte

Deloitte is committed to fostering an inclusive workplace wherein our employees can thrive. Learn about our People with Disabilities & Allies Community and other disability inclusion initiatives.

Discover the pride of working at Deloitte, where you can be part of a community of people united by their drive to make an impact. A place where you’re celebrated for who you are, your curiosity is fueled by challenges, and you are given the tools you need to grow and thrive. Learn more about life at Deloitte and meet our Deloitte Insiders

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