Life at Deloitte

Rejoining the workforce with confidence 

Deloitte’s Encore program helps professionals re-enter the workforce and thrive

June 6, 2024

For many individuals, following a linear career path doesn’t always fit life’s plans. To assist professionals re-enter the workforce more smoothly, Deloitte established the Encore program to help professionals who have been out of the workforce for six months or longer re-enter confidently as they receive training, work experience, and coaching.

Utsavi Bhavsar, Dan Parker, and Maria Wright are all professionals who joined Deloitte through the Encore program. Each person left the workforce for a different reason, but after gathering new skills and life experiences, they were eager to continue their career paths. Learn more about their stories and hear their insights on re-entering the workforce.

Picking up where they left off

Utsavi joined the Encore program to restart her career after going back to school. She finished her undergraduate and master’s degrees in India. After working with a brand marketing and communications agency, she came to the United States to gain more experience in brand marketing technologies. Through the Encore program, Utsavi now works as a senior consultant in Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Customer & Marketing practice.




When Dan joined the Encore program, he had a decades-long career in the Air Force and three years of project management experience at Deloitte under his belt. Despite having temporarily withdrawn from the workforce to tend to familial responsibilities, he found himself seamlessly integrated into a supportive, welcoming cohort that helped facilitate his gradual readjustment. Today, Dan leads a dynamic software development team within the Risk & Financial Advisory Government & Public Services (GPS) practice of Deloitte & Touche LLP. He also serves as a mentor to other professionals who’ve had similar career journeys.

Dan shares his insights on why mentorship is important as you re-enter the workforce:

  • Mentorship helps create pathways for success. There is no better resource than someone who has "been there and done that."
  • Mentors have gained experience and knowledge that, when shared, can help set the mentee up for success and positive experiences.

The opportunity to have a supportive community affirmed Maria’s choice to join the Encore program. After a career working in marketing, operations, risk, strategy, and sales, Maria left the workforce for four years to attend seminary. When she graduated from seminary, she was referred to Deloitte’s Encore program by a friend. Maria was thankful to have a community available to help her transition back to working full-time. In her current role as a manager, Deloitte Services LP, she is responsible for sponsorships and collaborations for Deloitte’s DEI Institute.

Maria shares how you can maximize opportunities when re-entering the workforce:

  • Don’t minimize your past work experience and the skills you learned, developed, or enhanced during your time out of work (caregiving requires great project management and problem-solving skills, for example).
  • Never underestimate your ability to learn and grow! Take your time, be gentle and kind to yourself, and commit to learning something new.
  • Take on new challenges, even if they make you uncomfortable—it’s a great way to develop your skills.
  • Connect with someone new as often as you can to grow your network.

Discover your impact at Deloitte

Encore is a great opportunity to restart your professional career, and it could lead to a long-lasting career with Deloitte. Learn more about our current roles. 

Think professional services isn’t right for you? Think again. We recognize that there are multiple paths to a successful career. Learn more about roles that don't require a 4-year degree

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