

Going cloud-native? Think products, not projects

Part of the For Cloud Professionals podcast series

Companies often struggle to develop efficient cloud-native application environments. Frequently, it's because they haven't implemented product-oriented, enterprise-ready application delivery methods. Those that can make the shift, however, can reap enormous benefits.

Going cloud-native requires a product-oriented development philosophy

Cloud technology has advanced at breathtaking speed over the past decade, but it’s often hard for companies to adjust their IT operations and development methods to accelerate what's possible with the cloud. Those that adapt, however, can reap benefits that help them leapfrog their competitors. In this episode, David Linthicum and guest, Pivotal’s global field CTO James Urquhart, talk about how companies can use enterprise platform teams to become product-oriented and take advantage of cloud-native platforms and application delivery. David and James also discuss the nascent shift towards event-driven architectures and issues that companies should address when considering such an architectural shift. Disclaimer: As referenced in this podcast, “Amazon” refers to AWS (Amazon Web Services) and “Google” refers to GCP (Google Cloud Platform).

[Focus on how] you build the most consistent, most enterprise-ready, most bulletproof path to production that you can possibly build for your development teams and operate that in a way that's cost-effective, but at the same time is able to adapt and evolve as new technologies and new opportunities come along.

James Urquhart is the global field CTO at Pivotal and a key influencer in the use of distributed systems technologies in the enterprise setting. Focusing on distributed systems development and operations, James's previous roles include a stint as a general manager at AWS and SVP with SOASTA, Inc.

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Focus more on being agile than doing agile

A framework is only as good as the people, processes, and organizational structures that use it. What really counts is customer satisfaction and usability.

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Want cloud success? It's in the strategy, not the tools

Many organizations are wowed by new cloud technologies and deploy them to solve specific issues. Instead of getting the magic bullet they hope for, sometimes they only add to their cloud complexity. However, one key to cloud success is a sound strategy that drives business value.

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Realizing the transformative power of the cloud

For Cloud Professionals: Hosted by David Linthicum and designed for cloud professionals, this podcast gives you the straight talk on cloud computing. From what’s going on in the industry, the impact of cloud in the enterprise to how it can enable business transformation–it’s all covered here.

Architecting the Cloud: Get real about cloud technology with Mike Kavis on the Architecting the Cloud podcast. We’re talking about what’s new in the cloud, how to use it, and why with people in the field who have done the work.

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