Google Cloud | Deloitte


To reap cloud rewards, master cloud security

Keep your organization (and reputation safe)

Examples of real-world attacks and breakdowns are on the rise. Managed service providers (MSPs) are emerging as a vital link in the chain of safeguards that keep the cloud running, productive, and secure.

What business value do you expect from cloud services?

Using the cloud is not a cure for complexity. It’s a smarter, more agile, more adaptable approach to intricacy, and companies that rely on the cloud still must account for security and other challenges—ones that will be different from the ones that confronted previous information architectures. Yet if migration and cybersecurity are considered separate parts of the transformation journey, the work may fall to different teams—when instead, they should be the shared focus of a broad process.

Organizations should consider implementing a cyber-forward cloud strategy in order to have the necessary mix of security, trust, and business agility; however, many companies are finding that they might not be up for the challenge of cloud security operations. So, many organizations are relying on experienced Managed service providers (MSPs) to maintain cloud networks and deliver services to the business.

Read more on securing your cloud environment through a business risk, regulatory, technology, and cyber lens. And how Managed services providers can help preserve the conditions for reliable performance.

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