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How cloud-native design enhances performance at the edge

Part of the On Cloud Podcast series

Edge computing is ubiquitous, but it still sometimes has issues with latency and scalability. Cloud-native principles can provide answers to those issues and give the edge what it craves--speed, scalability, and enhanced performance

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Cloud-native principles power the edge’s need for speed

Cloud-native design principles make cloud apps scalable, flexible, and more quickly deployable. Those principles can be applied to situations other than cloud, as well. Take edge computing, for instance. Edge can be thought of as a point-of-presence cloud, so applying cloud-native principles to the edge can make app performance, processing, and scalability cloud-like. And it can help solve the “edge war” of the future: the battle to reduce latency to its vanishing point.


Now we're saying on the edge, well, what if we rethink what we mean by a datacenter? And now it isn't necessarily just some massive building with huge power and cooling requirements.

Jason Bloomberg is a leading IT industry analyst, author, keynote speaker, and globally recognized expert on multiple disruptive trends in enterprise technology and digital transformation. He is the founder and president of digital transformation analyst firm Intellyx.



What's at the edge? The ability to solve real-world problems

Edge computing is the future of IT, but first it has to be standardized and managed properly. Companies that can effectively leverage the edge will be in a position to leapfrog their competitors.

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Edge: It’s the potential, the power, and the future of IT

What does the future of IT look like? Look to the edge to find out more. Edge computing is quickly shaping the future of IT, and organizations can leverage it to create more value for their customers.

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Cloud, in context

Cloud is more than technology. It’s about making cloud work for your business. Our hosts, David Linthicum and Mike Kavis, deliver their unique perspectives around the technology, business, and culture of cloud to help you achieve your cloud goals. Topics range from an enterprise-level, strategic look at cloud to practical information on the people, processes, and technology that can make cloud work better for your organization.

David is a top cloud influencer and author of 13 books plus thousands of articles on cloud. Mike is the author of two books, including the recently published Accelerating Cloud Adoption, and won the 2010 AWS Global Startup Challenge. They know cloud. Listen to the Deloitte On Cloud podcast to get the information you need to achieve your possible with cloud.

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