
2024 human capital trends in financial services

Key takeaways from our report

In an increasingly boundaryless world, it’s time to trade in the rules, operating constructs, and proxies of the past. Prioritizing human performance can help organizations make the leap into a boundaryless future. Explore more by reading about six of the 2024 Human Capital trends and specific financial services insights.

Reimagining boundaryless work amid disruption is no longer hypothetical—or optional. The old proxies previously relied upon to measure performance may no longer apply, and there’s no easy playbook that will enable organizations to thrive in this new environment for human capital.

Just a year ago, we introduced many of these shifting work realities in our 2023 Global Human Capital Trends report. Since that time, things have only accelerated.

This report provides a financial services industry take on the Deloitte 2024 Human Capital Trends survey, highlighting six human capital trends crucial to building an organization that can thrive today and tomorrow.

Deloitte 2024 Human Capital Trends

Get in touch

Matt Kraus
Managing Director
Deloitte Consulting LLP

Eddie Barrett
Managing Director
Deloitte Consulting LLP

Marc Levinson
Managing Director
Deloitte Consulting LLP

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