Cloud case studies

Insurance company's cloud-based data solution

Unlocking data to expose the business value within

An insurance company's strategic, multi-year plan to roll out a cloud-based data solution that gave finance the capabilities to access, manage, and analyze their data.

An established insurance company knew it had too many pain points around managing data. Finance couldn’t retrieve what it needed from its legacy mainframes, which created roadblocks when information was needed to make crucial decisions. Data was challenging to access, difficult to retrieve, and nearly impossible to analyze. The client realized it needed a new platform to improve reporting and shift a culture that based its decisions on assumptions. The journey began with a fundamental concept: unlock the company’s data and expose the business value within.

“The journey began with a fundamental concept: unlock the company’s data and expose the business value within.”

What happened next

The process began by determining the main challenges and applying tested solutions: improve processes, manage the data, and use a cloud-based platform to drive reporting and inform better business decision making. We helped the client think through these root-level challenges, create business cases for each solution, and designed an implementation roadmap. The result? A strategic, multi-year plan to roll out a cloud-based data solution that gave finance the capabilities to access, manage, and analyze their data—and to realize untapped business value that had been hiding in the numbers.

The demand for change came from finance, but also from other parts of the business that faced challenges with the firm’s legacy systems. Because the change had support from all levels of the business, communicating desired outcomes throughout the enterprise was easy. Our implementation team included talent with strong experience in finance, strategy and analytics, and actuarial science and technology.

This company has embraced the roadmap and is now leading the path forward. They’re looking to make changes broadly across the enterprise, which will extend valuable capabilities, including analytics. With a foundation for data in place, the company is becoming a data-driven powerhouse and embracing advanced technologies to monetize on new opportunities.


“With a foundation for data in place, the company is becoming a data-driven powerhouse and embracing advanced technologies to monetize on new opportunities.”


Anton Sher

Finance Strategy & Transformation Leader