Case studies

Moving to a Red Hat footprint within 100 days

Efficiency, performance, and security for the State of Washington: A client case study

Deloitte and Red Hat modernize API systems for the State of Washington Health Benefits Exchange

Learn about the modernized API system that's delivering value and results for the State of Washington

The need: Modernizing application programing interface (API) management with a Red Hat footprint

The State of Washington Health Benefits Exchange (the Exchange) was faced with an aging application gateway product for API management. Earmarked by the manufacturer as legacy and no longer supported, the current API management system offered limited support of modern API security and access control and no support for the developer portal, version control, API monetization, or billing. The Exchange determined it was time to modernize and select a new product.

Deloitte has been working with the Exchange as a systems integrator since 2012, so the organization trusted Deloitte to manage the evaluation process and make valuable recommendations on how to resolve the challenges they were facing. Within 100 days from selection decision, Deloitte completed production and deployment of the new product, helping to build a new platform that would give the Exchange flexibility and performance while reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

The impact by the numbers

TECHNOLOGY One layer of software to connect developers to the API management system

IMPLEMENTATIONS One platform powered by Red Hat OpenShift to modernize API security and access control

 75 API services converted to containers and set to auto-scale based on CPU load

RESULTS Lower subscription costs, with greater flexibility for the future

 Zero downtime API deployments 

 ~20% increase in API response time performance compared with the legacy product

Making a difference within 100 days

Adoption of a Red Hat OpenShift API gateway lays a strong foundation for modularizing other applications in the future. The new gateway product offers higher security, and automatically scales containers up or down based on pre-defined rules in OpenShift.

Benefits include:


Seamless cutover to the new API gateway, with minimal downtime and zero production issues



Reduced costs thanks to lower subscription fees



Easy implementation and management



Increased efficiency, with the ability to quickly spin up environments



Zero deployment downtime made possible with a container solution



Improved performance now that all API deployments can be moved to production without an impact



Automatic scaling of containers based on predefined rules within Red Hat OpenShift

Modernizing for a cloud-native world

Deloitte and Red Hat support business and technology leaders in delivering applications faster by modernizing their IT infrastructures. Using Red Hat’s open source technology, our industry experience, and DevOps methodologies, we help drive the business integration, IT automation, and management needed to thrive in a cloud-native world. Together, we can help you accelerate innovation, reduce IT complexity, and deliver better business outcomes.

Hear straight from the source: the Exchange and Deloitte share our perspectives during Red Hat SLED Nation

Get in touch


Sreshta Wickramasinghe 

Managing director
Deloitte Consulting LLP


Ashley D’Souza 

Senior manager
Deloitte Consulting LLP


Allen Gilbert Andrews

Solution manager
Deloitte Consulting LLP


Dave Knight

Red Hat Alliance manager
Deloitte Consulting LLP

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