blue stove burner


The vital role cloud can play in promoting sustainability

Part of the On Cloud Podcast series

Sustainability plays an increasingly important role in corporate missions these days. The IT function is no exception. Cloud can play an important part in promoting sustainability simply via the way companies architect for, and operate in, cloud.

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Cloud computing: Helping build a more sustainable future

There’s little doubt that sustainability has become a global imperative. In this Knowledge Short, David Linthicum discusses the vital role cloud computing can play in sustainability initiatives. He makes the case that cloud computing is more sustainable because resource use is optimized, and cloud providers typically employ green operations practices. He also talks about other ways organizations can practice sustainability in their everyday operations.


We're able to allocate resources in a much better way...because we're optimizing those resources.

As the chief cloud strategy officer, David Linthicum is responsible for building innovative technologies that help clients operate more efficiently while delivering strategies that enable them to disrupt their markets.




Cloud is here to stay–and that's a very, very good thing

The pandemic forced many companies to cloud, even though some were hesitant. Those that moved to cloud have found the benefits to be worth the journey.

green circles

Find opportunity, not fear, in your transformation journey

Transformation is imperative, but the reason for change matters. Transform out of fear, and success might be elusive. Transform for opportunity, and you might find more success than you ever imagined.

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Cloud, in context

Cloud is more than technology. It’s about making cloud work for your business. Our hosts, David Linthicum and Mike Kavis, deliver their unique perspectives around the technology, business, and culture of cloud to help you achieve your cloud goals. Topics range from an enterprise-level, strategic look at cloud to practical information on the people, processes, and technology that can make cloud work better for your organization.

David is a top cloud influencer and author of 13 books plus thousands of articles on cloud. Mike is the author of two books, including the recently published Accelerating Cloud Adoption, and won the 2010 AWS Global Startup Challenge. They know cloud. Listen to the Deloitte On Cloud podcast to get the information you need to achieve your possible with cloud.

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