Modern representation of Information Technology


GSA Alliant 2

Offering a comprehensive array of IT solutions

Alliant 2, General Services Administration's (GSA) premier enterprise Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC), provides flexible access to customized IT solutions from a large, diverse pool of industry partners that include a $50 billion program ceiling and a five-year base period with one five-year option. The scope of the Alliant 2 GWAC includes any and all components of an integrated Information Technology (IT) solution, including all current and any new technologies which may emerge during the life cycle of the contract, and IT systems and services in support of National Security Systems, as defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).

About GSA Alliant 2

With GSA's Alliant 2 Contract, government agencies can obtain a single source of integrated IT services and access to "best in class" private sector IT services. Its broad array of features and benefits include:

  • Allows for long-term planning on large-scale programs
  • Offers flexibility and supports all contract types (i.e., fixed price, cost reimbursement, labor-hour, and time-materials)
  • Adheres to pre-competed and streamlined ordering procedures
  • Accommodates federal guidelines regarding enterprise architecture and other IT compliance standards and protocols
  • Requires top secret facility clearances for awardees


The primary Alliant 2 support areas include:

  • Service Access Delivery
  • Back Office Services
  • Service Platform and Infrastructure
  • Support Services (Security, Systems, and Forms Management, Communications)
  • Component Framework
  • DoDEA Mission Area Support
  • Service Interface and Integration
  • Controls and Oversight
  • Customer Service
  • Risk Management and Mitigation
  • Process Automation
  • Regulatory Development
  • Business Management
  • Planning and Resource Allocation
  • Business Asset Services
  • System and Network Controls
  • Business Analytical Services

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Why Deloitte?

Under Alliant 2, government agencies can work hand-in-hand with Deloitte, a trusted government advisor and a top federal IT contractor with experience serving all 15 US Federal Cabinet level departments.

Deloitte's Government Public Services practice—our people, ideas, technology, and outcomes—are all designed for impact. We bring fresh perspective—from inside and outside government—to help solve our nation's biggest challenges. From cyber and IT modernization to big data and analytics, cloud, and leadership services, we bring insights from our client experience to drive bold and lasting results.

DUNS: 019121586
Cage Code: 1TTG5
Deloitte Contract Number: 47QTCK18D0029
Prompt payment terms: Net-30
Contract type: Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC)
Pricing types: All order types
Period of performance: Five-year base term: July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2023, plus a five-year option period: July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2028.
CMMI Maturity Level: CMMI Level 3, ISO 9001, and ISO 20000

Read more about Deloitte's Sustainability Disclosure.

Alliant 2 Program One Sheet

CONTRACT INSURANCE meets threshold stated in FAR Subpart 28.307-2 LIABILITY, expires on 6/1/2025, and will be updated annually.

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