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Deloitte and Nuvolo Alliance

Workflow automation

Tackle your most challenging space, facilities, and real estate management issues with next-level workflow automation. Learn how Nuvolo’s integrated workplace management system (IWMS), paired with Deloitte professional services, can help you optimize the entire asset life cycle and transform your business.

Nuvolo introduction

A connected workplace solution

Nuvolo and ServiceNow come together to provide full-suite IWMS functionality and custom applications, comprising a fully integrated and comprehensive solution.

As Nuvolo’s premier platform integrator, Deloitte is helping some of the world’s largest organizations transform their businesses through the power of the Nuvolo Connected Workplace.

Nuvolo offers a robust return to workplace solution, helping organizations facilitate the return to workplace post-COVID, offering an integrated solution of Space Management, Reservation Management, and Facilities Management.

Transforming real estate and facilities management with workflow automation

Real estate and facilities represent an enterprise’s second-largest area of spend, yet many enterprises struggle to manage facilities because of outdated or fragmented systems that make visibility and control difficult.

Nuvolo, built on the ServiceNow platform, can provide this visibility and control as part of a “platform of platforms” that links disparate systems, data, and functions across the enterprise.

The Nuvolo Connected Workplace, combined with Deloitte’s experience in implementation, change management, and the technical aspects of digital transformation, can help your organization improve the real estate life cycle and drive better business outcomes.

Transforming real estate and facilities management with workflow automation

Return to the workplace: A solution for the next normal

How do you redesign your workspaces to provide safe distancing? What cleaning protocols should be deployed to meet CDC recommendations? How do you deploy and maintain new types of PPE inventory? As your organization prepares for the return to the workplace, determining the answers to these health and safety questions will be top of mind. But the lack of a connected workplace platform could make it difficult to plan.

That’s where our Return to the Workplace solution comes in. By harnessing the power of Nuvolo’s integrated workplace management system, we can help your organization reconfigure office space and manage operations for a sanitary work environment. Learn more about its functionality and how it can help you prepare and operate the workplace of the future.

Rethinking your workspace and workplace safety can help you respond to the next normal and thrive in the aftermath.

Return to the Workplace: A solution for the next normal

Using Nuvolo to improve quality of facilities maintenance at Chevron

When the Chevron Environmental Management and Real Estate Company initiated an effort to improve facilities maintenance service levels and reduce spend, the enterprise’s aging integrated workforce management system proved to be a major roadblock.

Chevron, a company that operates out of buildings across 47 countries, needed one common source of service to manage maintenance of its assets. Nuvolo, the Connected Workplace solution built on the NOW platform, offered a compelling replacement to legacy IWMS solutions.

With Nuvolo selected as the technology, Chevron contacted Deloitte to collaborate on implementation. In a little more than six months, the solution was live in 17 countries with 250 users (down from the 661 required in the legacy platform), and quality of asset data went from 19% to 100%.

See the full story behind Chevron’s real estate management modernization journey.

Using Nuvolo to Improve the Quality of Facilities Maintenance in Commercial Office Space

Chevron’s real estate modernization journey

Get in touch

Abby Levine

Abby Levine

Principal | Real Estate Transformation

Abby is a principal with Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Real Estate and Location Strategy practice, with twenty years of experience helping clients create real estate portfolios and functions that support ... More

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