Karishma Gupta  - AI Warriors


Even though she’s worked in the data and AI space for over 10 years, there is never a dull moment for Karishma Gupta.

Deloitte AI Institute is proud to introduce a series profiling AI warriors who are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the search for new and innovative uses of AI.

Can you share the most interesting part of your career journey?

The most interesting part of my career journey is the people that I have worked with. The level of support that you get from the leadership here is exceptional, and they are truly invested in your career.

When I joined Deloitte after obtaining my Masters in Analytics, Deloitte leadership helped me pursue my passion and exposed me to project opportunities, training, and initiatives in the AI space.

The level of support that you get from the leadership here is exceptional, and they are truly invested in your career.

Later on, as I continued climbing the ladder at Deloitte, I decided to take more strategic and advisory roles in AI, where I helped clients define their data-to-AI journey.

What excites you most about working with data and AI?

I have been working in the data and AI space for more than 10 years, and there is never a dull moment. There is always a new technology, a new tool, new insights, and a new project that you can get in this area.

There is always a new technology, a new tool, new insights, and a new project...

It keeps me motivated as, having come from the consulting space, I love a change. It also gives me an opportunity to continue learning new technology and gain new skill sets.

Describe an interesting project that you have worked on.

One of my favorite projects was when we replaced the customer care service of a financial services firm through a conversational AI bot. This was one of the projects where I implemented conversational AI and saw the direct benefits to my client.



AI warriors

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