
Protecting the most precious assets—your workforce

How automation and AI can help keep miners safe every shift

Since it's inception, the mining sector has faced serious safety challenges. Now, automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) are enabling new solutions for health and safety improvements. From predictive maintenance to the deployment of autonomous equipment, discover how mining operations are becoming safer, smarter workplaces through the support of AI and IoT.

Advanced automation: Ensuring every miner can return home

The mining industry’s operational environment has historically been fraught with safety challenges, necessitating continuous efforts to heighten safety standards and mitigate hazards. Mobile equipment and working conditions that are unsafe or hazardous are the main sources of health and safety risk at a mine. These are challenges that have historically been very challenging for companies to address in the field. 

Recent strides in technology, particularly AI and IoT applications, have presented mining companies with transformative opportunities to help enhance health and safety practices—and, in some cases, even remove employees from working in hazardous conditions. 

Our report analyzes how AI is enabling health and safety improvements, focusing on the driving safety benefits of autonomous and smart equipment, the utilization of advanced drones and robotics, and the role of AI in predictive maintenance. It also features three case studies so your business can better understand real-world applications mining automation.

Download the report

Insights to help you harness automation, AI, and IoT in mining

Learn how AI and IoT have transformed mining operations, elevating safety measures and operational efficiency while reducing risks. And explore three case studies highlighting how these technologies are helping pave the way for smarter, safer mining practices.


The authors would like to acknowledge Keith Serre, Howard Friedman, Van Ramsay, Vivek Wadhwana, Joel Allen, Brett Phillips, and Cody McNutt whose expertise was critical to bringing this article to life.

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