
Enabling the clean energy transition with next-gen advanced metering infrastructure

AMI 2.0 promotes decarbonization and grid resiliency

Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is no longer a collection of digital meters that handles a limited amount of data and a few routine tasks. AMI 2.0 is a powerful edge-computing network. Offering real-time data and more control over energy usage, next-gen AMI empower consumers, and helps utilities build a resilient grid with a reduced carbon footprint.

Why do we need the new wave of advanced metering infrastructure?

The first AMI meters were installed between 2000 and 2010, during what we are calling the “first wave.” These AMI meters and their internal batteries had a life expectancy of 20 years. As many of them approach the 20-year mark, failure rates are on the rise. Early adopters of AMI 1.0 are now planning to replace them, which can take three to five years. The next wave of meters is part of a robust technology stack, which we are calling “AMI 2.0.” Next-gen AMI consists of edge-computing devices with advanced capabilities that enable a better understanding of how electricity is used or generated—in real time. This intelligence holds a great deal of potential benefits for consumers and utilities alike. Read our full report for Deloitte’s vision of AMI 2.0 and how utilities and consumers can work together using new metering technologies to achieve decarbonization goals along with a more resilient grid.

Enabling the clean energy transition: Planning for next-gen advanced metering infrastructure and grid technologies

AMI 2.0 customer benefits

AMI 2.0 utility benefits

Anticipated capabilities from AMI 2.0

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