
Embedding trust into COVID-19 recovery

Susan Irving shares Kruger Product’s trust journey

In our latest leadership development podcast, Susan Irving, CMO of Kruger Products, discusses the journey with regard to trust; the lessons they have learned; and how these experiences have changed how they relate to their customers, employees, and partners and uphold their missions.

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How can leaders address the challenge of building, maintaining, and restoring trust during times of disruption and uncertainty?

What are the different dimensions of trust (physical, emotional, digital, and financial) and what role do each play in building a holistic trust mentality within an organization?

It's about being dependable, approachable, and supportive … you've got to do what you say,  [be] approachable and friendly… and really [show] support for your team.

As pandemic-related and societal turmoil continues, Susan shares insights on how leaders can identify and address areas of vulnerability for trust breaches and make trust an organizational priority that is embedded into the culture.”

Insider track on trust: what’s the worst that could happen?

As a guest on the Resilient podcast Future of Trust series, Susan Irving, chief marketing officer at Kruger shared her insights on the worst-case scenario and why it’s important to plan, measure and monitor trust through everything that an organization does. Sign up below to access this special segment.

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How can you lead through crisis and disruption? Find out on Resilient, the podcast of authentic and engaging conversations with leaders who never leave adversity where they found it. Launched in 2016, the series broke new ground by featuring interviews with those who embody resilience and went on to win the Gold-level AVA Digital Award and Gold-level MarCom Award.

Resilient leaders don’t take obstacles as the final answer.

Hear their personal stories of resilience by not letting adversity define them.

For more in the series, visit the Resilient podcast library page.

Get in touch

Don Fancher
Co-Leader, Deloitte Legal Business Services Principal
Global Leader, Deloitte Forensic

Jennifer Lee
Managing Partner
IVPs | Value Creation Services

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