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2021 Global Human Capital Trends Special Report:  Part 1 

Pandemic and societal pressures accelerated the worker-employer relationship’s evolution beyond anyone’s anticipation. How might it further evolve amid the uncertainties of a disrupted world? In this episode, we discuss how employers can prepare for multiple futures of the evolving employer-worker relationship.

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2021 Global Human Capital Trends Special Report: Part 1

The pandemic strained and tested the worker-employer relationship. This special report explores one central question: How might the worker-employer relationship evolve to meet the opportunities and challenges of the future? Going forward, employers should prepare for multiple futures of the evolving employer-worker relationship. In part 1 of our 2021 Global Human Capital Trends Special Report series, we’ll hear from report authors Kraig Eaton and Nic Scoble-Williams, along with host Tanya Ott.

This is all about setting direction in a world of uncertain futures. As was said already and deserves kind of an emphasis, there is no single future here. There's only a multitude of possibilities. The four that we talk about in this report are four of many. The important thing here is the questions that these futures force us to ask ourselves when it comes to this relationship between the worker and an employer. It helps us to think more clearly about what we want this relationship to be, to pick a point on the horizon to aim for.

Digital workplaces and the hybrid work model

Hybrid working has driven the need for a re-architecture of the digital workplace, shifting to a flexible work philosophy focused on workforce experience. In Part 2 of our Work from Anywhere series, we share tips for organizations looking to create a sustainable hybrid work model.

2021 Global Human Capital Trends: Special report

The pandemic strained and tested the worker-employer relationship beyond anyone’s anticipation. Going forward, thriving in an uncertain future depends on having a compelling vision for where that relationship should go. Read the full report here.

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