

The future of work in a postpandemic world

The future of learning demands a delicate balance between adopting the flexible nature of remote, technological learning and in-person experiential learning. Georgetown’s MBA programs strive to make their students lifelong learners to prepare for the future.

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The future of work in a postpandemic world

The COVID-19 pandemic brought on the future of work in accelerated bursts and swept in sooner than expected, creating an urgent need for new maps, new mindsets, and new strategies. In this episode, we assembled a roundtable of Deloitte Human Capital leaders to help us understand the future of work in a postpandemic world armed with a human approach and an enterprise mindset.

Why would we want to return versus viewing where we are now as a departure point? As we've talked about it over the last year, one of the questions we keep asking ourselves is, has the last year plus been a detour, or is it an on-ramp to something new? All the threads that we're pulling in this discussion really come back to it is an on-ramp to something new.

2021 Global Human Capital Trends

Workforce ecosystems: A new strategic approach to the future of work

Workforce ecosystem, comprising internal and external contributors, will be a prime feature of future workplaces. How can organizations adopt an integrated approach to managing their workforces? Our research, part of a multiyear inquiry between MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte into the future of the workforce, offers insights into the future of workforce ecosystems.

Executives share their plans for returning to the workplace

In April 2021, Deloitte launched a survey asking our clients how they were approaching their return to the workplace. Here’s what they had to say about timing, health and safety measures, business travel policies, new-normal work models, and more.

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