Capital H Podcast


Beyond productivity: Rethinking performance metrics

Measuring performance in the era of human-centered work

In this episode, host David Mallon, Deloitte’s Sue Cantrell, and WalkMe’s Travis Dion discuss moving beyond traditional employee productivity metrics as human performance takes center stage—followed by a Deloitte roundtable discussion featuring David Mallon, Sue Cantrell, Julie Duda, and Diane Sinti.

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Are traditional metrics enough in a world of human performance?

In an era of human-centered work, new sources of data and artificial intelligence can help organizations shift from employee productivity metrics to measuring human performance.

Discover what it means to move beyond traditional productivity metrics as human performance takes center stage. Join host David Mallon, Deloitte’s Sue Cantrell, and WalkMe’s Travis Dion, followed by a special Deloitte roundtable in this latest episode of the Capital H podcast.

Organizations that start by identifying the outcome first and then work backwards to determine what human elements contribute to that outcome can have better success. And technology has become embedded in all of these processes. So, it’s not just looking at the human; it’s looking at how is the human working with the technology to get to that outcome.

— Travis Dion, WalkMe

Now live: 2025 Global Human Capital Trends survey

In our 2024 Global Human Capital Trends report, we set out to explain why it’s time to trade in the rules, operating constructs, and proxies of the past. Thriving beyond boundaries: Human performance in a boundaryless world focused on prioritizing human performance to help organizations make the leap into a boundaryless future.

This year, we’re continuing our research for our 2025 Global Human Capital Trends report. What does the future of work look like for your organization? We invite C-suite executives, business leaders, and human resources professionals around the world to participate in our 14th year researching global human capital trends. Your perspective will add to the richness and authenticity of the longest-running study of its kind.

Make your voice heard by taking this year’s survey.

2024 Global Human Capital Trends

What will it take for organizations—and humans—to thrive in a boundaryless world?

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