HC People Analytics


2023 high-impact people analytics research

Six strategic people analytics findings

Organizations today need the ability to detect and act on trustworthy insights at scale and with speed—they need high-impact people analytics. Explore six key strategic findings that can help accelerate the journey to people analytics maturity.

The ever-changing world of people analytics

People decisions are inherently business decisions. They affect competitiveness, revenue, agility, experience, trust, and more. While that might have gone unrecognized in the past, it is increasingly no longer the case—and many organizations are trying to make up for lost time. Over the past five years, companies have strategically invested in cutting-edge people analytics capabilities and technologies. As the field expands, the criteria for success continues to change, and the consequences of missteps grow more severe: Poor decision-making. Misaligned priorities. Loss of trust. How are effective companies approaching people analytics amid these ever-changing circumstances?

Our 2023 High-Impact People Analytics (HIPAN) research surveyed more than 400 organizations across 18 countries and identified six key people analytics findings.

2023 high-impact people analytics research

High-impact people analytics findings

Ready to achieve higher levels of people analytics maturity?

Regardless of where you are in the people analytics journey, now is the time for action. No longer a back-office function, people analytics is a driver of strategic insight, a catalyst for better organizational decision-making, and a better way to navigate an uncertain world. Download the full report to get started.


1 Deloitte Consulting LLP, High-Impact People Analytics research, 2023.
2 Deloitte Consulting LLP, High-Impact People Analytics research, 2020.
3 Ibid.

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