

The Skills-Based Organization

The past 18 months have made it clear that talent strategies should reflect what the future will hold rather than what has worked in the past. Introducing: the “skills-based organization,” or SBO for short. This organizational form places skills and human capabilities at the heart of talent strategies, creating a new operating model for work and the workforce. Join Michael Griffiths, Julie Dervin, and John Boudreau to learn more.

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Business leaders have the opportunity to redesign strategies and operating models, placing skills at the center of talent practices rather than the traditional job-focused mentality. In this episode, Michael Griffiths, lead for Deloitte’s Learning Consulting practice, discusses skills-based organizations with Julie Dervin, who has been leading a skills-based transformation at Cargill, and John Boudreau, an academic thought leader who is consistently at the leading edge of bringing talent to the strategy table.

Our business environment is changing so rapidly and the skills needed to compete look so different than they did even five to seven years ago. Many of our people processes that HR as a profession has institutionalized for decades were built for a different, slower, much more stable environment. They weren't built for the speed and agility that our businesses require from us today.

The skills-based organization: Fueling the 21st century enterprise with skills

On the Capital H blog, Deloitte explores how organizational leaders can shift mindsets around talent strategies from a role-focused perspective to become a skills-based organization.

Skills: The new workforce operating system

In the context of the “great resignation” and the opportunities of an economy emerging from the pandemic, the major constraint to business growth is supply—especially the supply of talent. To succeed, organizations need a fundamentally new workforce operating system—shifting from managing work performed in jobs organized in a hierarchy to orchestrating the dynamic matching of skills to work.

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