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Redefining the role of M&A

Transform the business and safeguard the future

A changing business environment offers new opportunities to use offensive and defensive M&A strategies, as well as other investment activities to capture unassailable market leadership. Using market sensing capabilities, scenario planning, and breakthrough technology, Deloitte partners with our clients to redefine the role M&A can play as a long-term growth driver.

The Future of M&A

As companies prepare for a new world with fundamentally reshaped economies and societies, the dealmaking environment is also changing. A combination of defensive and offensive M&A strategies are emerging as dealmakers aim to safeguard existing markets, accelerate recovery, and position themselves to capture market leadership.

Companies and industries propelled into survival mode by COVID-19 may turn to defensive M&A strategies in order to safeguard their future. Whereas companies and industries who have been able to ride the upswing in demand for new, digital operating models and services may utilize offensive M&A strategies in order to lay the groundwork to capture unassailable market leadership.

The definition of M&A is changing to now include a multi-faceted and a more expansive view of M&A in order to achieve a wider range of growth strategies. M&A alternatives, including alliances, partners, and joint ventures increase the strategic role M&A can play for businesses.

In order to create lasting value, deal making must reflect the new priorities of the post-crisis world. Key considerations now include:

Keep up with the latest Deloitte M&A insights

Get in touch

Mark Purowitz

Mark Purowitz

Principal | Deloitte Consulting LLP

Mark is a senior partner in the Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) practice of Deloitte Consulting LLP, where he leads Strategy & Transformation for its broad M&A practice, as well as Deloitte's work on the... More

Jason Langan

Jason Langan

Partner | M&A Transaction Services

Jason, a partner with Deloitte & Touche LLP, is the East region managing partner of Merger & Acquisition Transaction Services practice and Deloitte’s National M&A Industry leader for Financial Service... More

David  Hoffman

David  Hoffman

Partner | M&A Tax Services Leader

David, a partner with Deloitte Tax LLP, is the US Merger and Acquisitions (M&A) Services tax leader. He specializes in delivering tax consultative services relating to M&A and other significant capita... More

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