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IntelligentOps™: Cloud-enabled smart manufacturing

Tools designed to jumpstart your Smart Manufacturing journey

A smart factory can benefit your products, workers, and balance sheet—but transforming legacy manufacturing operations can be daunting. With IntelligentOps™, Deloitte takes a tailored approach to orchestrate your people, assets, and operations using a cloud-enabled smart manufacturing platform that can scale and flex alongside your organization.

Smart manufacturing: Potential established, precision required

A workstation unexpectedly fails and is offline waiting for maintenance repair. A factory line continuously reports 10% quality rejection over the past week of production. A technician calls in sick, causing a gap on the line for a critical skillset. These are the kind of traditional manufacturing challenges that a smart factory can address.

By connecting to an organization’s digital supply network and augmenting human intelligence with artificial intelligence, a smart factory can predict machine downtime by analyzing performance trends. It can sense quality degradation and immediately enact correction efforts. And it can actively manage the workforce and track worker safety and performance data.

Transforming a factory requires smart collaboration between manufacturing, supply chain, IT, and new technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud to become an insight-driven organization. Deloitte can help navigate this change with IntelligentOps, a proven portfolio of tools and accelerators that can help you synchronize people, assets, and processes for a smooth digital transformation.

What is IntelligentOps™


Make the smart choice with IntelligentOps

IntelligentOps brings together Deloitte’s strategic and deep industrial sector experience and a robust set of cloud-based, edge-enabled tools to accelerate your smart manufacturing journey.

Once integrated with your IT and OT landscape and deployed with our tailored methodology, IntelligentOps can activate and transform your factory to adjust manufacturing behaviors and achieve the anticipated ROI.

IntelligentOps provides a global foundation flexible enough to onboard multiple facilities. Once fully scaled, it can provide metrics for multiple facets of the organization, with an integrated view of operations that can uncover opportunities for improvement and enable decision-making across your enterprise.

Key differentiators:

More than technology: Integrated with processes and operations, our human-centered design focuses on user adoption.

  • ROI-driven: Simple, highly effective user experiences are constantly tuned for maximum ROI.
  • Scalable platform: Lower cost, greater scalability and security, and higher availability—all at lower risk.
  • Secure by design: Security is built into our smart factory IoT solution and is a focus of everything we do, from sensor to edge to cloud.
  • Flexible and adaptable: Open and extensible platform with the flexibility to use third-party offerings.

Start the conversation

Is your company interested in starting its own smart factory journey? Contact our experienced team for more information on how and where to begin.

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Ready to see what IntelligentOps can do for you? Contact our experienced team for more information on how and where to begin.

Get in touch

Tim Gaus

Tim Gaus

Principal | Smart Manufacturing Business Leader

Tim is a principal and the Smart Manufacturing Business Leader with Deloitte Consulting LLP. He brings more than 25 years of supply chain experience with a focus on value chain optimization using emer... More

Jason Bergstrom

Jason Bergstrom

Principal | Smart Manufacturing Senior Commercial Advisor

Jason is a principal with Deloitte Consulting LLP and Senior Commercial Advisor of the firm’s Smart Manufacturing business. Mr. Bergstrom has helped numerous organizations deliver complex, global supp... More

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