Empowering government
with Generative AI

We help government agencies harness the power of Generative AI (GenAI) to address mission challenges.

woman brainstorming with postit notes

From Generative to Genuine:
unlock the power of GenAI

GenAI is a transformative force for government agencies. It is an innovative way to reimagine missions, streamline operations, and deliver programs more efficiently.

By harnessing the power of GenAI, we help make government operations more dynamic, adaptable, and responsive. But the real impact happens when we use this technology to create solutions that enhance the lives of residents, beneficiaries and end customers.

At Deloitte, we are doing more than simply talking about GenAI; we're turning it into Genuine AI. Join us in this transformational journey.

Our GenAI solutions

AI technology is game-changing when applied to improve government missions and citizen services. All of our AI solutions are developed around this focus.

Explore what’s possible with GenAI

Deloitte helps organizations maximize the value of Generative AI by delivering new outcomes, built on industry standards and domain-specific solutions and through orchestration across an ecosystem of technology partners.


Deloitte Insights

AI can turbocharge government regulatory operations.

Armed with powerful AI tools, government regulators can change how they work and interact with business and citizens alike.

Perspectives | 4 minutes read
Deloitte Insights

Securing government against adversarial AI

AI is bringing new benefits to government, but new adversarial attacks against those tools mean government also needs new ways to safeguard them.

Adversarial AI | 4 minutes read

Pioneering Intelligence

The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the public sector is immense, yet significant hurdles in the form of data, scale, governance, and frameworks remain. Generative AI can help agencies manage these obstacles.

Perspectives | 4 minutes read

Get in touch

Edward Van Buren profile photo

Ed Van Buren

Government AI |
Principal, Deloitte Consulting

Tasha Austin profile photo

Dr. Tasha Austin

Deloitte AI Institute for Government |
Principal, Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory

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