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Advancing sustainability in higher education

A holistic approach for colleges and universities

As societal expectations for responsible stewardship of natural resources build, higher education institutions should consider sustainability practices that span academics, research, community engagement, and campus operations.

As colleges and universities craft strategies for the future, they should consider the larger context in which they operate. Institutions are no longer insulated from the rhythms and pressures of the outside world. Their success increasingly depends on their ability to adapt to change. Advancing sustainability in higher education explores how colleges and universities can holistically advance sustainability across their institution: academics, research, community engagement, and campus operations.

By making sustainability a prominent commitment in their shifting missions, institutions can expand public capacity for much needed R&D, engage a wider range of stakeholders in critical dialogue, and integrate the student experience across the curriculum in a way that matches student values.

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Get in touch

Katie Sherwin

Managing Director

Higher Education Sustainability, Climate & Equity Leader

+1 512 726 2799 | LinkedIn

Roy Mathew


National Higher Education Leader

+1 408 704 4527 | LinkedIn