Boosting ROI across the contract management lifecycle has been saved


Portfolio segmentation
Contracts are not created equal
Portfolio segmentation underpins contract excellence and is a pre-requisite to any sustained improvement.
Case in point: The combined cost of contracting and value loss represents a relatively low 2-4% of revenue in the average consumer goods company. This rises to 15%+ percent in sectors engaged in high-value capital projects.
Case in point: The combined cost of contracting and value loss represents a relatively low 2-4% of revenue in the average consumer goods company. This rises to 15%+ percent in sectors engaged in high-value capital projects.


Clarity of contracting lifecycle
Without visibility, it’s guesswork
The disconnect across a contracting lifecycle’s elements results in considerable inefficiency, avoidable delays, and poorly informed and reactive decisions. Improvement depends on insight and analysis.
Case in point: 48% of respondents who have invested in their contracting process cite ‘better contract data visibility and management’ as a key benefit.
Case in point: 48% of respondents who have invested in their contracting process cite ‘better contract data visibility and management’ as a key benefit.