LDO Survey


16th annual legal department operations survey results

Defining the value of your legal operations strategy

As legal operations growth plateaus, legal department operations (LDO) teams tackle a tough question: “What value does our legal department operating model bring to the enterprise?” Our latest survey results show that opportunities for articulating departmental value are rich—and it’s time for LDO teams to act.

Taking legal operations strategy to the next level

Corporate law departments have realized greater efficiency, productivity, and cost control in recent years, thanks to the rapid growth of the legal department operations function. Yet the 16th Annual Law Department Operations Survey shows that the emphasis on this growth is waning—and with it, leadership support for legal operations.

This landscape creates both an opportunity and an imperative for LDO teams to reassess and redefine their value—and how that value is measured. Teams can also look to their contract lifecycle management (CLM) systems to build additional value and improve their metrics. By doing so, legal operations functions may be able to shed light on the ways in which their work can extend beyond budget control measures into tasks that have an impact at the enterprise level.

16th Annual Law Department Operations Survey

About this legal operations survey

The Annual Law Department Operations Survey by Blickstein Group was first created in 2008 to give law departments a consistent benchmarking platform and shed light on the then-emerging profession of law department operations.

This 34-page survey report includes more than 100 data points on the current and future state of legal department operations. By capturing the latest legal operations trends, the report serves as a resource for LDO professionals as they identify ways to use process, technology, and outside counsel optimization strategies to guide their companies and respond to the needs of today’s law department.

Learn more about Deloitte’s Legal Business Services

The rapidly changing business landscape has intensified pressure on legal departments to increase efficiencies and deliver greater value to the business. Deloitte’s Legal Business Services helps clients modernize their legal departments, freeing the core legal team to focus on strategic priorities, enhance the speed and quality of issue identification, and use data to drive faster, more informed decision-making. 

*The Deloitte US firms do not practice law or provide legal advice

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