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Post-Merger Integration Services for Tax

Successfully navigating merger tax implications

Mergers and acquisitions are executed frequently, but not always efficiently. Our experience has shown that tax departments are a critical component of the M&A integration process. Deloitte’s post-merger integration services help design and build the tax structure of newly merged organizations to advise on identified synergies and solution gaps and establish tax-efficient operations moving forward.

The importance of tax integration: Neutralizing the minefield

Tax considerations affect nearly every aspect of your business. Businesses going through a merger often disregard the tax department. Deloitte’s own M&A research, which we’ve gathered since 2014, shows integration gaps are among the top reasons why M&A transactions do not generate the expected value.

Without tax involvement in the M&A integration program, sooner or later a post-integration tax mine will likely be tripped. Whether it is a spike in the worldwide effective tax rate due to the new tax-inefficient combined supply chain structure, an unforeseen, newly created exposure to additional sales tax nexus, a potential clawback of an existing property tax incentive, or resource constraints in the tax department, the post-merger integration minefield is rife with potential tax hazards.

With proactive and regular tax department participation, not only can the field be swept for tax mines, but you can also help the company explore ways to enhance previously announced synergy estimates, as well as tax operating model efficiencies.

Developing your post-merger integration plan

Planning for post-merger integration allows a tax department to identify and anticipate tax issues and opportunities from the transaction and its aftermath. Our process, tools, and templates address operational and technical M&A integration tax challenges.

Scalable support models

  • Advisory support
    Strategic planning to assist the tax department for select work stream(s)
  • Cosourcing support
    Support tax department in creating broad-based task-level work plans for all tax work streams
  • Broad-based support
    Support tax department with detailed integration planning and execution, with a focus on aligning the tax function with business goals

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Our post-merger integration approach

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Get in touch

Bob Call

Bob Call

Partner | Deloitte Tax LLP

Bob is the Global and US national service line leader for our M&A Transaction & Integration Services practice. He leads complex planning and global integration and divestiture transactions, transforma... More

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