
Transform revenue cycle management with GenAI

Explore XaaS applications of Generative AI from billing to invoice processing

As technology companies adopt new everything-as-a-service (XaaS) models, the need for consistent, secure, and high-quality data supported by integrated business architecture is becoming crucial. Explore how Generative AI (GenAI) can transform your billing and revenue cycle management processes, support complex monetization models, provide real-time insights for strategic decision-making and help you drive a competitive advantage.

Use cases across the bill-to-revenue process

Through targeted transformation, tech companies can position themselves to successfully deliver the billing and revenue cycle management capabilities needed to support XaaS models through the deployment of GenAI use cases. The graphic below highlights select bill-to-revenue GenAI use cases at different maturity levels.

Take a deeper dive into GenAI use cases

Taking the next step with GenAI

Given the complexities across billing frequencies, customer subscription contract terms, exchange rates, regulatory requirements, and tax treatments, technology companies can leverage GenAI to further streamline the billing and revenue cycle management processes. By analyzing customer contracts, entitlement data, invoice and payment history, support tickets, and regulatory requirement changes, GenAI can help support a wide range of use cases, driving operational efficiency and significantly improving the experience for all stakeholders involved in the process.

Let’s talk

Find out how our IndustryAdvantage framework can help your organization leverage tailored GenAI solutions to enhance revenue cycle management and drive competitive advantage. To learn more, reach out to our leaders to start a conversation.

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