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How can we mitigate AI bias in our HR Organizations?

Part of the AI Ignition video and podcast series, brought to you by the Deloitte AI Institute, intended to ignite applied AI conversations in the Age of With™

How should leaders approach AI for HR to advance employment opportunities for all? Commissioner Keith Sonderling of the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission discusses his approach to AI in the workplace, and what leaders should consider when implementing AI for HR solutions.

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How should leaders approach AI in the workplace to advance equal employment opportunities for all?

What are the implications of artificial intelligence within the workplace for employees and employers? How do leaders mitigate the risk of bias in AI to bring more equality to workforce acquisition? In our latest AI Ignition episode, Keith Sonderling, Commissioner of the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, shares his vision and guidance for CHROs and HR leaders on leveraging AI for HR solutions at scale in the workplace.


If it [AI] meets both carefully designed and properly used in my space, it does have the potential to advance diversity, inclusion, accessibility, all the things that corporations really care about now, by mitigating the risk of unlawful discrimination.

Keith Sonderling is the current Commissioner of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and a professional lecturer in the Law at George Washington University Law School. Prior to his confirmation to the EEOC in 2020, Commissioner Sonderling served as the Acting and Deputy Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division at the U.S. Department of Labor. 

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Ignite your AI curiosity by exploring Deloitte’s future of AI in the enterprise video and podcast series

Artificial intelligence continues to change the world around us at a dizzying pace. 

Join Beena Ammanath, executive director of the Deloitte AI Institute and technology optimist, as she dives into the hottest topics and trends in artificial intelligence. Each episode will feature conversations with creators, implementers, collaborators, and experts exploring where AI began and where it’s going. Tune in each month to discover new episodes available via video interview or podcast.

Contact us for information on this podcast, or visit the AI Ignition library for the full collection of episodes.

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Listen and subscribe to AI Ignition: Exploring the future of AI in the enterprise

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