

Augmented reality in marketing

Discussing the art of VR storytelling

Immersive 3D technologies are creating new opportunities for brand owners to connect with consumer through interactive and virtual reality (VR) storytelling. Understand how using virtual, mixed, and augmented reality (AR) in marketing can help you drive deeper and lasting relationship with your consumers—and open new doors for bottom-line growth.

The age of VR storytelling and beyond

It has never been a more exciting time to be a marketer. The rise of virtual, mixed, and augmented reality in marketing provides brand owners with a game-changing interactive storytelling toolkit. But reaching consumers in more immersive, dynamic, and emotional ways requires more than just a new set of technologies. What are the new rules of engagement for augmented, mixed, and virtual reality storytelling?

In a new three-part video series Allan Cook, the Digital Reality business leader for Deloitte Consulting LLP, discusses the growing use of augmented reality in marketing and how it’s giving rise to a new age of digital storytelling. He explains what it takes to create effective interactive stories—stories that help you build and strengthen meaningful and memorable connections with consumers.

Watch and learn: Using mixed, virtual, and augmented reality in marketing

Dig deeper into the dynamics of interactive storytelling

Deloitte Insights’ article, A new age of storytelling, explores how digital reality could help marketers tell better stories. The rapid advancement of digital reality has ushered in a new age of storytelling for many brands. As technology often blurs the line between storyteller and listener, how can marketers use digital reality to their advantage?

Insights and resources for marketing leaders

Digital reality: The proliferation of digital reality tools, applications, and solutions will permeate everyday life in just a few years, transforming the way people interact and use data. Gain insights on how companies around the world are applying these technologies to change the way they work, interact with consumers, and create revenue-generating and cost-saving solutions. And find out how Deloitte’s Digital Reality services can help you create business advantage from these exiting innovations.

CMO Program: Chief marketing officers (CMOs) often hold one of the most innovative and challenging roles in business today. Deloitte helps bolster the value CMOs deliver as they advance along their career journeys. Through research and insights that identify upcoming trends and market changes and a powerful arsenal of marketing service offerings, Deloitte has information to help arm and enable CMOs to reach new heights.

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