
Breakthrough Brand: owning your authentic story with Allison Kluger

Managing your reputation starts with “getting real”

Getting real is one of the most important principles for getting to breakthrough, and yet, it can be one of the most challenging. This conversation provides examples of personal branding (both positive and negative), tips on how to be authentic at work, and lessons from Allison’s own story. Dive in and discover how to build your personal brand in ways that are authentic, real, and compelling.

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An advantage of “getting real”? Breakthrough.

This podcast, featuring media executive, Allison Kluger, focuses on managing your own personal brand and reputation, and the success you may find when you do. Allison shares stories from the beginning of her career on Good Morning America to leading a class with Tyra Banks, and reminisces about how she learned to be authentic at work, which in turn opened doors and led her to success as a media executive, writer, coach and lecturer.

If you don't control your narrative, people make assumptions. I believe in front loading some of your vulnerability in a way that doesn't diminish your power, but lets you connect to your audience, so they have a more three-dimensional view of you rather than just what is in front of them.


Kim Christfort:
How real is too real? Getting real is one of the most important principles for getting to break through, yet it can be challenging to strike the delicate balance between being authentic and oversharing. Our guest today helps business leaders, executives, and teams strike that balance and share their story and personal brand in a way that's authentic, real, and compelling.

Allison Kluger:
If you don't control your narrative, people make assumptions. I believe in front loading some of your vulnerability in a way that doesn't diminish your power, but lets you connect to your audience, So they have a more three dimensional view of you rather than just what is in front of them.

Kim Christfort:
That was Allison Kluger, lecturer at Stanford Graduate School of Business and president of Allison Kluger Media Consulting. Drawing upon more than 25 years of experience in broadcast media and entertainment, Allison has created courses at Stanford on reputation management, communication, personal brand, and strategic pivoting.

She's a leading voice on how to effectively manage your reputation and share your authentic self. And she's here today to help us better understand how to shape our own story.

I'm Kim Christfort, chief innovation leader for executive accelerators and the Deloitte greenhouse. You're listening to Breakthrough by Design, where we chat with a diverse array of guests, from scientists to CEOs, academics to athletes, exploring what it takes to get to breakthrough.

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How can you get to Breakthrough? Find out on Breakthrough by Design, the podcast of innovative and engaging conversations with a diverse array of guests: from scientists to CEOs, from actors to athletes. This podcast stems from the recently launched book, The Breakthrough Manifesto: 10 Principles to Spark Transformative Innovation, co-authored by our host, Kim Christfort and Dr. Suzanne Vickberg.

The Breakthrough Manifesto is a collection of 10 visionary principles to obliterate barriers to change and ignite a whole new level of creative problem-solving. Drawing upon decades of experience working with the world’s best-known organizations and their teams, the authors provide practical advice that goes beyond “business as usual” for successfully tackling intractable challenges.

Learn more at www.breakthroughmanifesto.com.

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