Circular food systems


Closing the loop in circular food systems

The promising future of food system sustainability 

Circular food systems are a transformative set of practices and principles that reform food production, distribution, and consumption. These reforms can help reduce waste and enhance the value of resources. Embracing circular food systems could potentially unlock $2.7 trillion in savings by 20501. In our report, learn how your organization can tap into the benefits of food system sustainability today—and create a prosperous food ecosystem tomorrow. 

Figure 1: A comparison of linear and circular economies. 

Current challenges on the table

As organizations work to transform our food systems into more sustainable, efficient, and net-positive models, they face significant obstacles. The growing global population and its demands lead to the expansion and degradation of agricultural land, fueling unsustainability in our current food system. Additionally, the projected 70% to 100% surge in demand for agricultural commodities by 20502 will continue to drive pressure for land conversion and increased agricultural yield.

Harvesting hope

Companies shift toward regenerative agriculture

Regenerative agriculture principles have already shown promise in restoring soil and ecosystem health as companies commit millions of acres to advance this transition. Partnerships are supporting farmers in adopting regenerative practices, with a focus on improving soil health, promoting future regenerative ingredients, and implementing sustainable sourcing. These collective efforts aim to establish common metrics, enhance farmers' income through environmental outcomes, share transition costs, advocate for supportive government policies, and develop innovative sourcing models.

Ready to evolve food systems?

Precision farming takes root

On the journey towards a circular food system, new technologies are playing a key role. Supply chain management platforms, geographic information systems, autonomous drones, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and 3D printing are all making a difference. For example, supply chain data platforms help to improve visibility and accuracy when calculating resource impacts, leading to greater efficiency, less waste, and more reuse. Autonomous drones and satellite images can help with land surveying, crop growth assessment, livestock management, habitat preservation, and irrigation. By working together, these innovative solutions help to create sustainable circular food ecosystems. 

Action steps for a bountiful future

Embrace circularity—the adoption of regenerative practices that minimize waste, promote resource efficiency, and integrate it into organizational strategies. Make timebound, science-based commitments to ensure a sustainable and environmentally conscious approach to business operations.
Broaden product portfolios and shift away from monocultures, such as relying solely on a single crop for farming. Include low impact ingredients, like responsibly sourced organic produce, in products and help consumers understand the benefits of sustainably produced resources.
Identify supply chain risks and opportunities. Invest in supply chain visibility and impact measurement technologies to track and disclose the total result.
Work with multiple actors in the value chain through cost and knowledge sharing, data enhancement, and investments in sustainable solutions that create new circular value.

As circular food systems continue to embrace collaboration and innovation, new opportunities to advance sustainability will continue to sprout. Every player within the circular food ecosystem—from individual farmers to complex organizations—can find their place in cultivating a greener future.

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End Notes

  1. Ellen Macarthur Foundation, “Five Benefits of a Circular Economy for Food”, February 2021.
  2. Strobl, Eric. “Preserving local biodiversity through crop diversification”, October 2021.
  3. Ellen Macarthur Foundation, “Regenerative agriculture around São Paulo: Connect the Dots”
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