
It’s people, quality, and profitability – in that order

It’s taking on challenges and becoming stronger as a result

In our latest leadership podcast, Sean O’Hara, Director of Accounting, Reporting and Internal Controls at Nissan North America shares his priorities of having good working relationships with his team, making sure the financial information is correct, and striving for efficiencies and profitable growth.

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Sean O’Hara

Today’s guest in the house—Sean O’Hara, Director of Accounting, Reporting and Internal Controls from Nissan North America—brings a wealth of expertise and a unique perspective on resilience and overcoming obstacles and thriving in an ever-changing world.

I try to make sure that I’m leading in a collaborative way and listening with empathy.


Hello, resilient leaders. I’m Katie Glynn, host of our resilient controller track. I am thrilled to welcome you to our resilient controller podcast, where we embark on a journey of discovery through engaging and authentic conversations. Thank you for tuning in and being a part of this community. In every episode, we're on a quest to unveil the true essence of resilience, that magical quality that helps us bounce back stronger than before. We're not just talking about it, but we're diving deep into real, candid conversations that spark inspiration and fuel that inner fire to stay resilient in our journeys.

I try to make sure that I'm leading in a collaborative way and listening with empathy. Sean O'Hara, Director of Accounting, Reporting and Internal Controls, from Nissan, North America, brings a wealth of expertise and a unique perspective on resilience, overcoming obstacles and thriving in an ever-changing world.

In Sean's words, being resilient means taking those shots and challenges and becoming stronger as a result. ─── I hope you enjoyed this preview. To hear more, check out the full episode podcast app, Keyword Resilient. You can find us on Apple Podcasts. ── SoundCloud, ─ Stitcher, ─ Google Play, Spotify, or Amazon Podcasts. ─ If there are other Resilient stories you want to hear about, hit us up at www. deloitte.com/us/Resilient.

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How can you lead through crisis and disruption? Find out on Resilient, the podcast of authentic and engaging conversations with leaders who don't leave adversity where they found it. Launched in 2016, the series broke new ground by featuring interviews with those who embody resilience and went on to win the Gold-level AVA Digital Award and Gold-level MarCom Award.

Resilient leaders don’t take obstacles as the final answer, nor do they allow adversity to define them; hear their personal stories of resilience here. And for more in the series, visit the Resilient podcast library page.

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