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Lessons from the real world: Intercompany transactions

Five lessons learned to help guide your intercompany (IC) technology implementation journey

For organizations looking to build integrated solutions that address their IC process challenges, new technology and integrated technology solutions have increasingly become a key component to addressing client needs and requirements. Through our experience advising clients on this IC accounting process and transformation journey, we have learned some lessons that may help guide organizations during an IC technology implementation.

September 20, 2022

A blog post by Katie Glynn, partner, and Sarah Berchuck, senior consultant, Deloitte & Touche LLP

Five lessons learned to help guide your intercompany (IC) technology implementation journey 

Through our experience advising clients going through IC accounting process transformations with integrated technology solutions, we have learned lessons and considerations that may help guide organizations on the IC technology implementation journey.

At Deloitte, advising clients through intercompany accounting transformation journeys is a rewarding process—one that offers the real-world value of experience that is becoming even more important as transformation marches through uncharted terrain and substantial change. A primary component of this change is new technology implementation as an integrated technology solution, which have increasingly become more imperative for addressing client IC needs and requirements. With this type of transformation, leading practices are learned through the experience.

For Controllership to be a trusted partner and advisor to the business, we routinely take a critical view and optimize the IC process through enhancements and optimization—driven by people, processes, and technology improvements. This technology, specifically utilized for IC and accounting transactions, may be used as a critical enabler for a good or great IC process. However, there are key considerations one should look at when designing, building, testing, and deploying IC technology solutions that transform the IC process. Through our experience advising clients on their IC accounting process and transformation journeys, we have garnered insights that may help guide organizations looking to build integrated solutions that address their IC process challenges. 

Here are five lessons we have learned that may be considered during an IC technology implementation.

To explore more insights and considerations for IC accounting transformation, view our on-demand Dbriefs: Putting IC accounting back in the spotlight, where we explore current events shaping transformation and insights into the future possibilities for IC accounting.

Deloitte has a lot of experience working with clients to assist them with their IC technology implementations. Reach out to the Deloitte Intercompany Center of Excellence (IC CoE) for information on how we can collaborate with you on your IC technology implementation journey.

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