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Overcoming intractable health care challenges

Venkat Bhamidipati explores the health and tech convergence

Health care is currently at a major tipping point—a multifactorial transformation. Venkat Bhamidipati, Providence St. Joseph Health chief financial officer (CFO), discusses harnessing the predictive power of data to improve lives, derive insights for clinician decision making, and improve operations. With health care technology advancements such as telehealth, artificial intelligence, and precision medicine, he shares how Providence St. Joseph Health is working to address risk and improve patient care.

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Solving health care's biggest challenges

For Venkat, there’s a sense of friction in health care. It’s difficult for the consumer of today to accomplish basic scheduling of health care, let alone compare price, research quality rankings, or find a physician. This makes health care unlike any other modern user experience. But there is a solution—a future of health based on coalitions working with large tech providers.

Combining our deep clinical expertise with folks who have had a combination of consumer experience and technology backgrounds will create the best possible ideas to solve some of the intractable problems in health care.

In this episode, Venkat discusses the convergence of industries shaping the future of health and where risk has a different meaning: people, lives, and health. Managing the transformation requires a careful balance to address the rapid disruption and meet the change in a manner that doesn’t undermine the patient—the center of it all.

Dig deeper into the trends

Deloitte’s report, 'Harnessing opportunities and managing risk in the future of health,' examines emerging trends and key drivers that are having a dramatic impact on the marketplace.

Explore these trends to help manage risk and seize opportunities:

  • Complex cyber. Mitigate cyber risks to gain a competitive advantage in digitally-connected ecosystems.
  • Redefining regulations. Adopt a proactive and collaborative approach to regulations to reduce uncertainties and foster innovation.
  • Stringent safety and quality. Uphold safety and quality standards to expedite trust in new products and services.
  • Evolving ethics. Navigate the ethical implications of medical advancements to realize health and wellness benefits.

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Resilient is an award-winning podcast series that features authentic, engaging, and thought-provoking conversations with leaders. Hear interviews and personal stories about how CEOs, senior executives, government officials, board members, and people outside of the business world embrace complexity to lead, navigate, and disrupt to accelerate performance. And discover what they learned about resilience amid risk, crisis, and disruption.

For more in the series, visit the Resilient podcast library page.