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Fifth Annual Third-Party Assurance Summit November 2, 2023

Thank you for joining our fifth annual Third-Party Assurance Summit we covered hot topics and trends in third-party assurance. We explored opportunities to leverage system and organization controls (SOC) reporting and third-party assurance to establish trust and provide transparency to your customers, business partners, regulators, and stakeholders. 

Take this opportunity to listen as we explored opportunities to leverage system and organization controls (SOC) reporting and third-party assurance to establish trust and provide transparency to your customers, business partners, regulators, and stakeholders.

Access summit replays below

Welcome and opening plenary: Third-party assurance trends and hot topics

Future of SOC reporting: Changing landscapes

Integrated compliance frameworks




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Get in touch

Shannon Kramer
Shannon Kramer

Principal | Deloitte & Touche LLP

Alan West
Alan West

Managing Director | Deloitte & Touche LLP

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