
Adapting to the new era of corporate travel: Challenges and opportunities

Trends reshaping the future of business travel

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What gets workers back on the road today?

Corporate travel is up from 2020 lows—but the pace of return has been slow. Amid advancements in remote conferencing and collaboration technologies, companies are prioritizing certain kinds of business trips and evaluating the return on investment for their travel spend.

In this Consumer Speaks podcast, host Sam Loughry turns it over to guests Peter Caputo, National Hospitality Sector leader and principal at Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP; Eileen Crowley, Vice Chair, US Transportation, Hospitality & Services leader, and Audit & Assurance partner at Deloitte & Touche LLP; and Maggie Rauch, US Transportation, Hospitality & Services research manager at Deloitte Services LP. Together, they unpack trends from Deloitte’s latest corporate travel study, Navigating toward a new normal.

You can go to a conference event now and interact with 20 clients, as opposed to meeting them at 20 different locations.

— Peter Caputo, National Hospitality Sector leader and principal at Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory, Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP

Navigating toward a new normal

The third edition of Deloitte’s corporate travel study indicates business travel continues to climb in the United States and Europe, but likely faces a limited upside.

Delivering on equity with mobility technologies

How transportation agencies can promote equitable innovation.

About consumer speaks

On the Consumer Speaks accounting and reporting podcast series, you’ll hear from our Deloitte leaders and professionals as they share their experiences and insights on timely topics across the Automotive; Consumer Products; Retail, Wholesale & Distribution; and Transportation, Hospitality & Services industries. Stay informed on the hottest topics facing these industries and how they can affect your business.

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Maggie Rauch
Research manager, Transportation, Hospitality & Services
Deloitte Services LP
+1 212 436 5947
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