Life at Deloitte

From college to career: Meet Steven

Steven Jacobson shares his unexpected path to Deloitte and his advice for students

September 12, 2024

Steven Jacobson entered college with a major in engineering and a passion for coding. Initially, he was unsure if his skills and interests aligned with a career at Deloitte. However, attending a career fair on his college campus proved pivotal. There, he met an industrial engineer working as a consultant at Deloitte, which opened his eyes to the diverse opportunities within the organization. This encounter led him to apply for Deloitte’s solutions engineering summer scholar internship, which he completed before his senior year. Steven also earned computer science and business certificates, enhancing his skills and capabilities.

“My background as a mechanical engineering student with certificates in computer science and business enabled me to pursue many different opportunities,” shares Steven. “During my recruitment journey, I leveraged the independent projects I had done to show my passion for software development.”

A week after his internship with Deloitte ended, his recruiter reached out with information about a new software engineer job opening and encouraged him to apply.

When Steven received an offer, his decision was easy. “I chose Deloitte because I believe Deloitte’s software engineering path is more dynamic than most and could give me the most exposure to different aspects of software development,” he shares. As Steven moves from project to project, he gains exposure to multiple tech stacks, allowing him to discover the parts of software development he truly enjoys. He emphasizes that Deloitte encourages professionals to find their passion.

As a software engineer at Deloitte Consulting LLP, Steven helps make an impact by assisting with recruiting and training newly hired software engineers. His journey from feeling uncertain about a career with Deloitte that aligns with his skills and interests to finding his niche at Deloitte highlights the importance of exploring opportunities and staying open to find your best fit.

Steven shares some of his advice for students:

  • Leverage your skills: Identify and utilize the skills you’ve developed through your studies and interests to help prepare you for success in your first role.
  • Explore diverse opportunities: Be open to exploring opportunities that may not seem directly related to your major.
  • Network and seek mentorship: Build connections and seek guidance from professionals in your field of interest.

Discover your impact at Deloitte

Meet more of our early-career professionals in our new From College to Deloitte video series.

Embarking on an internship journey is not just about gaining work experience, but an opportunity to bring your academic knowledge to life in the dynamic world of business. Discover your impact at Deloitte, where learning is continuous and opportunities are abundant. Check out internships at Deloitte.

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