Life at Deloitte

Internship insights: Meet Yesmene Chikha       

Finding support and discovering your impact along the journey

August 16, 2023

Yesmene Chikha is a former Data & Analytics intern for Deloitte Services LP. She shares what she enjoyed most about her internship and what’s next for her on her educational and professional journey.

Share a little about yourself and your educational journey so far.

I'm a rising junior at Syracuse University, studying communications design. I will be graduating in May 2025.

What led you to your Deloitte internship?

I was a recipient of an Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) scholarship which allowed me to attend the 2022 ALPFA Convention in Orlando, Florida. When I arrived, I received an email inviting me to apply for a limited slot to be interviewed by Deloitte. I submitted my application, and the next day I received my interview confirmation! I was extremely nervous, but the Deloitte recruiters were there to help build my confidence.

Why did you decide to pursue a Deloitte internship?

I decided to pursue my internship at Deloitte because I connected extremely well with my interviewers. Both Maritza Alonso, senior manager, Deloitte Services LP, and Shauna Davis, managing director, Deloitte Services LP, really made me feel supported, and getting to know them and other members of Deloitte’s technology services team made the decision very simple to make.

Share a bit about your internship and what you enjoyed the most.

As a Data & Analytics intern, I worked alongside my coach and created dashboards to display a visual representation of progress within the organization. I also worked with other interns on an innovation challenge where we had to pitch an idea that would combine artificial intelligence and diversity, equity, and inclusion within Deloitte. Our idea included creating an American Sign Language (ASL) to voice plugin to better help the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. I am proud to say that we won!

What are your biggest learnings or takeaways from your Deloitte internship?

The biggest takeaway for me was that it is absolutely possible to find your support system within a professional setting.

How did you discover your impact at Deloitte during your internship?

I discovered my impact at Deloitte by speaking up and giving feedback on multiple projects. This collaborative effort proved to me that my voice truly mattered when it came to decision-making.

What advice would you give to incoming Deloitte interns?

Network, network, network! There are so many professionals that are more than willing to set aside time to connect with you and building those professional relationships was essential for me.

What’s next for you?

While hoping to receive a return offer to join Deloitte for another internship next summer, I will also be entering my junior year of college, which consists of studying abroad in the spring and working on my independent research project on human-centered design.

Discover your impact at Deloitte

Everyone gets a start somewhere, and an internship can be one way to launch a successful career. Explore internships at Deloitte

Learn about our other opportunities for students, and follow our early careers account on Instagram

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